Friday, August 4, 2017

killing Iran nuclear deal by Pr Trump and his advisors means killing peace and stability not only in the middle east but the whole of the world

killing Iran nuclear deal by Pr Trump and his advisors  means killing peace and stability not only in the middle east but the whole of the world

President Trump and his radical team are trying to kill the Iran nuclear deal, as a world's peace & culture researcher/activist on the Internet, I believe this attempt is wrong and anti-USA NATIONAL INTERESTS AND SECURITY also their allies like Israel etc . this is my full analyst;

A; about me:
I am Saeed  Shojaei Saadi from Shiraz, Iran.i was born on November
3rd, 1964. I am a world's peace & culture researcher/activist on the
educations: social planning, computer & tourism with about 30 yrs experiences.
by using my 3 educational fields (social planning, computer, tourism)
and about 38 yrs experiences, I have tried to extend the peace, culture and human values
across the world.
if you would like to know more about me and what I have done for
extending democracy, human rights, justice, cultural values, and ties,
peaceful relations (in ) with Iran, region and across the world via
internet etc, during the past 36 years. you can simply search my full name " Saeed Shojaei Saadi "  via the internet.
if you would like, please introduce and share
this post to your friends and media around you.
thank you, best regards, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, Shiraz, Iran, 08/04/2017
cell phone- +989177151120
President Trump recently is speaking about the killing of the Iran nuclear deal continuously like what he has said  on the following link:

I believe that
the friendship between Iran & USA can create the both sides national interests and security also the world's peace and stability too.however it seems that president trump has made his decision and will kill the Iran deal.
now I ask why Pr Trump and his team can not understand that Iran is not a simple and weak country?!,  Iran is great and a regional super power too. in facts, Trump and his radical advisors know neither the history nor the 8000 years peaceful people and constructive culture of Iran too.
if they know, they should make the best relations with Iran right away. it seems that they do not understand the power reality of the Middle East and the Persian Gulf, too.
I believe that killing Iran nuclear deal by Pr Trump and his advisors means killing peace and stability not only in the middle east but the whole of the world. added, the wrong  & radical policies of Pr Trump & his team against Iran WILL make Iran closer to Russia, China etc. so, why they do so?!.
they also should know that killing the Iran deal simply will destroy the moderate government of H. Rouhani in Iran, without any doubt, his substitution will be a very radical and extremist PRESIDENT that can destroy all interests of the  USA AND ITS ALLIES IN THE REGIONS like Israel and Saudi Arabia etc. therefor, it's clear that Pr Trump's radical policies against Iran, are anti- USA's national security and interests, these policies make Russia and China very happy!.

why the great people of America and Israel and their official institutes and media do not prevent the president Trump's wrong policies against their national interests and security.
I hope President Trump and his advisors change their wrong and radical policies and suggest peaceful packs to Iran for re-opening Iran and USA embassies and restore cultural, political and economic relations as soon as possible, this policy can make the USA and its allies more powerful and secure than before. I pray for President Trump and his team to select peace and friendship instead of enmity and war.
 as a peace and culture researchers and activist, I ask President Trump and his team to let the Iranians and Americans continue their tight relations, no ones have right of killing their friendly relations. added, Iran can make a good balance between the west and the east, if President Trump and his team trust to it.

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