Friday, November 16, 2018

Open Letter to First Lady of the United States Melania Trump

Dear Lady Melania Trump:


I, Saeed Shojaee Saadi, as an internet-based researcher and activist of Peace and World Culture, invite you to take the two following issues into consideration:

A - My Internet-based research has shown a decline in the popularity of President Trump and the Republican Party last year, and I have repeatedly reminded them in open letters to president Trump, Lady Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner etc, but unfortunately, they did not pay attention.

My research showed that the wrong advice from Mr. Jared Kushner, John Bolton, Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo and others, reduced the popularity of President Trump and the failure of the Republicans in the US mid-term election.

Dear Lady Melania Trump:

If President Trump does not change his domestic and foreign policies, I predict that the Republican party will lose the White House and the Senate in the 2020 election.

Dear Lady Melania Trump:

I believe that the Middle East is the center of world peace and war!, and I consider Iran as the main axis and power of it for the following reasons:

1. Iran has a powerful military, high oil, gas, and mineral etc, resources.

2- The people of Iran have 8000 years of culture and civilization background and history.

3. Nearly 92% of the Iranian people are literate.

4. Nearly 40 percent of Iran's population is young and 65% of them are post-educated.

5. Iran is a peace-loving country with 8,000-year-old literature and culture. Iran has the most Registered historical and World Heritage in UNESCO.

6. Iran is an industrial country. indeed, In the following technologies, Iran is the world's first 10 countries:

 Nanotechnology, satellite manufacturing, telecommunications, medicine, oil and gas, chemical, steel, ship and submarine industries, nuclear and agricultural industries, automotive, military industries, and so on.

Dear Lady Melania Trump:

 President Trump's advisers, on the pretext of securing Israel, have unfortunately enforced him to declare a great deal of the severe sanctions on Iran.

By doing so, they presented the modern and powerful Iran to Russia and China free of charge !.

In addition, we see, Israel's security is severely affected negatively by Iran's sanction.

Dear Lady Melania Trump:

I suggest:

President Trump dismisses his low literacy advisers, colleagues and chooses a policy of friendship with Iran.

for the first step president Trump can take all sanctions of Iran and beginning the real talks without threats, I am sure that both sides reach a full agreement, it can win the Republican Party in the 2020 election, without a doubt, and guaranteed the security of all countries including Iran, USA, Israel.

 B. Iran is a beautiful country with four seasons, your recent trip to the African continent has shown that you are interested in a lot of travel.

I invite you, President Trump and all the great family members of Trump to travel to Iran.

I promise you personally to be your guide, and on this journey, you will become familiar with the people, the culture and the unforgettable nature.

Dear Lady Melania Trump:

    In the end, I give the best wishes to all the nations, especially the two great nations of Iran and the United States, and I express my sympathy with the American people about the fires of California, recent floods in various states, especially in the two states of North and South Carolina.

Yours sincerely

Saeed Shojaei Saadi

Shiraz, Iran


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