Wednesday, October 4, 2017

President Trump, Iran deal, the peace and security of the world

President Trump, Iran deal, the peace and security of the world

The 40-year experience of work and research on issues of culture and peace has led me to believe that the politicians of the world are more rigorous and agile, sooner or later, they roam their heads and ask for modest their positions.

President Trump, members, and advisors of the current government and Republican party in the United States are no exception to this rule.

In a few recent letters to President Trump and to other important US officials, as an Internet-based activist and researcher for world's culture and peace from Iran, I recalled that the American approach to the 1979 Islamic Revolution victory in Iran Until today, it has been a big mistake for US interests and a bigger mistake for global peace and security.

I also suggested to them and other US officials that they would not eliminate the only great achievement in the two-nation relationship over the past 40 years, which is a "nuclear deal".

In addition, in separate letters to UN officials and EU officials, while highlighting the interests of Iran's nuclear accord for the development of peace and security and the global economy, I have proven analytically and documented that in the long term, this agreement could be one A larger agreement with Iran and its allies will lead to all areas.

Unfortunately, President Tramp's advisers in the Middle East and Iran are unprofessional, or they are totally unaware of the current realities. As far as the foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr. Zarif officially foresees that President Trump agreed on a nuclear deal Will be canceled on October 15, 2017.

 For this reason, I suggested President Trump choose if he would like to be a US advisor in the affairs of Iran and the Middle East if the US rules permit.

I wrote to them to work for the peace and security of the world and to help normalize the relations between Iran, the United States, and Israel, I am ready to do this for free.

It seems that the efforts of all peace and cultural activists (including me) are slowly coming to an end, because apparently, media reports indicate that President Tramp, contrary to the announcement, is not going to enter a nuclear deal with Iran on October 15, 2017.

This means President Tramp's and his team's unreasonable behaviors towards logical and realistic behaviors, which is why I am very pleased that my efforts and others have been successful.
پرزیدنت ترامپ و برجام
تجربه 40 ساله کار و پژوهش فعالیت در دو موضوع فرهنگ و صلح ، مرا به این باور رسانیده است که سیاستمداران دنیا هرقدر تندرو تر و پر جوش و خوروش تر باشند، زودتر سرشان به سنگ میخورد و خواسته و یا از سر ناچاری مواضع خود را اصلاح نموده و به اصطلاح سر براه میشوند.
پرزیدنت ترامپ، اعضاء و مشاوران دولت و حزب جمهوریخواه فعلی در آمریکا نیز از این قاعده مستثنی نیستند.
در چند نامه اخیر خود به پرزیدنت ترامپ و نیزدر دیگر نامه های خود به سایر مقامات مهم آمریکا، بعنوان یک فعال اینترنت محور و یک پژوهشگر  فرهنگ جهانی ایران، باتحلیل و ارایه شواهد تاریخی ، یادآوری نمودم که رویکرد آمریکا از فردای پیروزی انقلاب اسلامی 1978 درایران تا امروز، یک اشتباه بزرگ برای منافع آمریکا و یک اشتباه بزرگتر برای صلح و امنیت جهانی بوده است.
به ایشان و سایر مقامات آمریکا پیشنهاد دادم تنها دست آورد بزرگ در روابط دو کشوردر 40 سال گذشته را که " توافق هسته ای "  باشد را از بین نبرند.
بعلاوه در نامه های مکرر جداگانه به مقامات سازمان ملل متحد و مسئولان اتحادیه اروپا نیز ضمن بر شمردن منافع توافق هسته ای ایران برای گسترش صلح و امنیت و اقتصاد جهانی، با تحلیل و مستندا ثابت کردم که در دراز مدت ،این توافق می تواند به یک توافق بزرگتر با ایران و متحدانش در همه زمینه ها منجر شود.
متاسفانه بنظر می رسد مشاوران پرزیدنت ترامپ در امور خاورمیانه و ایران ، غیر حرفه ای عمل می کنند یا از واقعیت های کنونی کاملا بی اطلاعند، تا آنجا که وزیر امور خارجه جمهوری اسلامی ایران، دکتر ظریف رسما پیش بینی نمود که پرزیدنت ترامپ توافق هسته ای را در 15 اکتبر 2017 لغوخواهد نمود.
 به همین دلیل به پرزیدنت ترامپ پیشنهاد دادم تا در صورت تمایل و اگر قوانین آمریکا اجازه مید هد، بنده را بعنوان مشاور خود در امور ایران و خاورمیانه انتخاب کند.
 بنده به ایشان نوشتم برای کمک به صلح و امنیت جهان و بمنظور کمک به عادی سازی روابط  بین ایران، امریکا،اسراییل و فلسطین، حاضرم این کار را مجانی انجام دهم.
بنظر می رسد که تلاشهای همه فعالان صلح و فرهنگ جهان (منجمله بنده) کم کم در حال نتیجه دادن باشد، چرا که ظاهرا خبرهای رسانه ای نشان از آن دارد که پرزیدنت ترامپ برخلاف اعلام قبلی ، قرار نیست تا توافق هسته ای با ایران را در 15 اکتبر2017لغو کند و او بدنبال راهکارهای جدیدتری است که منجر به جنگ احتمالی با ایران و متحدانش نشود.
این یعنی گرایش پرزیدنت ترامپ و تیم او ، از رفتارهای غیر منطقی به سوی رفتارهای منطقی و واقع بینانه، به همین دلیل بسیار خوشحالم که تلاشهای بنده و سایرین نتیجه بخش بوده است.


Iran can be the axis of peace, security and progress, the region and the world
The Iranian world is known as a great country for its geopolitical status, as well as its 8,000-year history and civilization, but is not willing to take Iran's place in the world for political reasons as well as hostility between Iran and the United States and its allies.
From the beginning of the Islamic Revolution to the present day, I have tried to write to the offices of the late Imam Khomeini and the current leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, and other top officials of the country, to remember a role that Iran can play a high-level role in the region and in the world.
In those letters, I tried to overthrow it by providing analyses and constructive suggestions, destroying the ugliness of the world's media out of the Islamic Republic, and bringing Iran to its proper place.
Meanwhile, I volunteered to write to dozens of letters to leaders of other countries and international organizations to tell them the true face of Iran.
On the other hand, I tried to explain the positive and peaceful role of Iran his capabilities that can help all political, economic, cultural and security aspects of the region and other parts of the world by writing and analyzing and publishing them on the Internet.
As a global cultural activist and peacemaker on the Internet from Iran, I believe that Iran can be the centerpiece of solidarity, progress, and peace in the Middle East and the world.
The current position of Iran in the Middle East and the world is not suitable for Iran at all.
Iran has the potential to become an influential country in the world.
I am ready to explain my opinions in detail and documented on the basis of an official invitation, to the fullest extent possible anywhere in the world.
I am in need of you anywhere in the world to extend peace and human values across the world without your moral support, I cannot able to reach my goal fully.
Saeed Shojaei Saadi, Shiraz, Iran


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