Sunday, May 10, 2020

President Trump's misguided policies in the past 4 yrs:

- Destroying the US relationship with the powerful country of Iran and imposing severe anti-human sanctions on the Iranian people.
- The indirect spread of racism and superiority of the white race over other species.
- Withdrawal from most international treaties and destruction of the positive atmosphere in international relations.
- The secrecy of the Corona spread in the United States, which has so far killed tens of thousands of Americans.
Unemployment of 43 million Americans.
- At present, the policies of the Trump administration have led most countries and nations of the world to pursue a kind of anti-American policy, with the exception of a few countries.
My prediction:
Trump will lose the November 2020 election.
If Trump does not want to be a big loser, he must immediately correct and compensate for the above issues.

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Remove Netanyahu from power

.According to the foreign and domestic media reports, in order to comply with ethics and prevent a major regional and World war, Iran has do...