Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Is Facebook under pressure from President Trump's government to discontinue my cultural and peaceful activities in Facebook?

This is the third time in two weeks that Facebook has restricted me:
Facebook Message:
You're temporarily restricted from joining and posting to groups that you do not manage until Thursday at 4:37 PM.

Analysis: The Importance of Global Solidarity in the Fight Against the Corona Virus, not a world war!

The coronavirus is rapidly spreading and causing catastrophic casualties and economic damage to people and governments around the world, including the United States.

In such critical situations, it is necessary for all the governments of the world to put aside their political and non-political differences with others so that the world can fully unite to fight this deadly virus.

Meanwhile, according to the world's news,   President Trump's administration is planning to launch a military strike on Iraq or Venezuela, with a much lower probability of Iran.

Political observers say President Trump is under intense pressure from public, political and media opinions for various reasons and wants to launch a military strike to divert the world's public opinion and the American people.

  However, All, over the world have focused their efforts on countering and fighting the Coronavirus. If the news is true and Trump attacks Iraq or other countries, then most parts of the world will face a major and devastating war.

 Some US observers believe Trump will be a major loser in the 2020 presidential election because of his diminishing popularity, endorsed by his supporters and dissenters, so he has decided to launch a major war of to move the American public away from his administration's economic and management problems in the fight against Corona.

I, Saeed Shojaee Saadi, as an Internet-based researcher on global culture and peace, I advise President Trump to implement the Alliance with the World instead of attacking other countries, which will both control and destroy the Coronavirus so, may increase the chance of winning in the 2020 election for him.

I have no doubt that President Trump will not only deflect American and world public opinion in the event of an attack on these countries, but I am sure all countries in the world will unite against the Trump administration. In this case, it seems that the American people will also blame President Trump, so they will not elect him in the November election.

Therefore, it is better for the whole world to fight Corona in full solidarity. I pray that President Trump will realize the current critical situation and put aside the possible military action that will have no effect unless defeated for him. Amen  
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Sunday, March 22, 2020


Unfortunately, it seems that because of my recent open letter to US officials lifting drug sanctions against the Iranian people to fight Coronavirus and my other critical posts about President Trump's policies,Since all my posts had a few hundred likes, comments, shares and retweets, perhaps  he or his aides asked the Facebook to stop or limit cultural and peaceful activities on the Facebook so,

On Twitter, I was penalized too. Twitter removed about 7,000 of my followers. And now I have about 18,000 followers on Twitter. THANKS. 
Saaed Shojaei Saadi

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Happy New Year and Ancient Nowruz to all Iranians and people ...

Happy New Year and Ancient Nowruz to all Iranians and people of other countries of the Great Iranian Cultural Plateau. I wish the best of the bests for all people of the world. we pray for extending peace and friendship and human right values over the world in new year. hoping that the Coronavirus will be demolished and hidden in new year.

سال نو و نوروز باستانی را به همه ایرانیان و مردم دیگر کشورهای فلات فرهنگی ایران بزرگ را شادباش می گویم

امید که سال نو سالی آکنده از سلامتی و نابودی ویروس کرونا ( و همه ویروسهای که مولد کینه و جنگ و خونریزی در حوامع بشری هستند) و کامیابی و صلح برای همه مردم جهان بویژه مردم بزرگ ایران اسلامی باشد. از خداوند بزرگ میخواهم به همه ما آستانه تحمل بالا و هوش و جهان بینی اخلاقی و سیاسی و فرهنگی بالاتر را عنایت فرماید تا بتوانیم در سایه عقل و منطق و واقعیت های موجود و نه احساسات لحظه ای که نه با واقعیات موجود سازگار است و نه نتیجه ای در بردارد به مسایل روز زندگی شخصی و اجتماعی و فرهنگی و سیاسی خود نگریسته و عمل نماییم .آمین

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Dear Dr. Javad Zarif, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran

I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, as an Internet-based researcher and activist on world culture and peace asking you bellow request,  you know:
Our country, like many other countries, is engaged in the fight against the deadly and dangerous Coronavirus, while the US government under the presidency of Donald Trump imposes the most severe sanctions on the Iranian people. Unfortunately, Trump and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the US Treasury have also threatened other countries with sanctions if they trade with Iran or provide humanitarian aid. Their inhuman and degrading treatment violates international law and even US law, so, it's essential that the State Department of Iran in supporting of the treatment of Corna virus patients in Iran, complain about Trump and his government in the International Court of Justice in The Hague and the US Supreme Court and State Court for Crime Against Humanity. Trump and his party are worried about losing the 2020 US presidential election. They know very well that after the defeat in the election because of the violations and the many crimes they have committed so far, they will probably be tried and imprisoned in the United States. so they are ready to make a clear or hidden agreement with Iran.
On the other hand, I believe that they are also ready to compromise with Iran for the release of potential US prisoners in Iran to win the 2020 election.
Saeed Shojaei Saadi
Email: shogaiee@gmail.com
Mobile: 989177151120

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Open letter to Gentlemen, Trump, Biden and Sanders, three respected 2020 US presidential candidates

I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, am an Internet-based activist for world peace and culture with tens of thousands of followers and hundreds of millions of visitors worldwide, for nearly three decades under harsh and terrible conditions without the support of any Iranian or foreign person or institutions to promote peace, culture and human values ​​in the region and around the world.


Your country and 5 other major countries in the world, signed an important agreement with my country Iran, to become famous as:

"The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action" (JCPOA ). After President Trump's election as President, unfortunately, because of his and his advisers hatred to President Obama and the Democratic Party, to the surprise of the two great nations of Iran, America, and other nations, President Trump abolished this important international treaty under false pretenses, so he imposed severe and big drug and other sanctions on my country.

Unfortunately, he threatened other countries that they would be severely sanctioned if they exchanged financial and credit services with Iran, and that is why my country and my people are now in very difficult conditions.

With the spread of the deadly Coronavirus in the world, unfortunately, my country became severely infected and many of my compatriots have died so far. Under these very difficult circumstances, President Trump was expected to immediately lift all sanctions so that my country could more effectively combat this deadly virus, but surprisingly, President Trump not only did not lift these sanctions but also increased them.


Isn't it time for President Trump and his team of advisers to ask themselves what all this hostility to Iran and the Iranians is about? and why they don't end it immediately ?!
Fortunately, my country is among the top ten countries in the production of industrial, technological and medical supplies, but due to the spread of the Coronavirus and the continued inhumane sanctions of President Trump and his advisers, my people are now in very difficult conditions.
Please end your anti-Iranian sanctions immediately or suspend it for at least a year, so that my country can fight the deadly Coronavirus more effectively.

 The great God and the conscience of mankind and history witness the behavior and decisions of you and all of us.

Unfortunately, now that the Coronavirus is spreading rapidly in the United States, perhaps President Trump and his advisory team will be better acquainted with the problems of the Iranian people and lift or suspend all sanctions against the people of Iran right away. Iran is a country with about 10,000 years of background in producing civilization and human culture and deserving of respect in the world.

I pray that this deadly Coronavirus and all the viruses that cause war and enmity between the people and the countries of the world will be eliminated as soon as possible so that the world will once again enjoy a beautiful life, peace, and friendship.


Saeed Shojaei Saadi

Email: shogaiee@gmail.com
Mobile: +989177151120

Friday, March 13, 2020

Is president trump impeached again?

Why has anyone met with  President Trump, his daughter, Ivanka, and other White House officials, their Coronavirus test is positive, in the last two weeks?

So far, the Brazilian President and some of his accompanying trips to the US, Prime Minister of Canada and his wife, as well as the Prime Minister of Australia, as well as several of his ministers plus some of the famous US senators, etc, who all met with Trump and Ivanka and other White House officials, their Coronavirus tests has been positive and quarantined.

 The key question, then, is why Trump and Ivanka were willing to risk losing the lives of Americans and officials of various countries in order to prevent a failure in the upcoming US presidential election and to prevent a fall in the value of stock exchanges?.

With the spread of Corona in the US, Democrats appear to be resuming Trump's impeachment, and this time most Republicans are likely to vote to oust Trump and his liar government members, of course,  if Trump survives his coronary illness. however, by Trump's secrecy, his illness may be largely incurable. some weeks ago, on Iranian television, Iranian mothers with rare butterfly disease

who had died because of Trump's anti-Iran drug sanctions cursed Trump by crying out and praying to God that Trump and his children would have their fate. I think maybe God has healed the curse of these Iranian mothers who lost their children. I wish President Trump lifts the inhumane sanctions against the Iranian people for God to forgive him. May God Trump repent and realize that the value of human life is more important than anything else in the world. Amen

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Do President Trump, his deputy Pence, and Pompeo, suffer Coronavirus?

Trump, Vice President Pence and Pompeo have not only have shaken hands with some Republican Party officials who have tested positive for the Coronavirus but also spent hours with them to talk about future positions on the Republican Party and how to campaign with the final Democratic

nominee. however,  according to well-known news  site trump, Pence and Pompeo, well-known news sites "Politico", they have reportedly been in direct and prolonged contact with three prominent Republican Party members Reps. Doug Collins (Ga.), Matt Gaetz (Fla.) and Mark Meadows (N.C.) all directly interacted with Trump in the days after the February conference. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz,

who is currently in quarantine. What has come as a surprise is that Trump, Pence, and Pompeo have not officially agreed to a corona test, which has prompted observers to suspect that the three men, may have been secretly testing their positive corona, so they do not want to be quarantined in the months leading up to the 2020 US presidential election? On the other hand, if it is proven that these

three have corona then they must explain to the American public,  why they have concealed their disease, and why they have daily contact with dozens of other US and international officials,  also making warm hand-shaking with American people at their propaganda rallies, while they have been suffering Coronavirus?

Sunday, March 8, 2020

If I were an American, I would definitely have voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2020 US presidential election.

If I were an American, I would definitely have voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2020 US presidential election.
Bernie Sanders can provide true prosperity, justice and security for the American people. I think he will be able to restore the world peace and security endangered by President Trump and his hard-line pro-war team.

The great people of America, especially the colored, poor and justice-seeking youth of America, are very tired of the current situation and want a fundamental changes in the process of running their country. Trump and his administration have pushed the world into real war, bloodshed and chaos. If Trump is re-elected, World War III and nuclear war will be inevitable. If you don't believe it, you will see my prediction come true soon.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

The dangerous war overpower in Saudi Arabia

Western and Arab media report that Saudi Arabia's King Salman is in agony. The same sources and other news sources around the world confirmed the widespread arrest of opposition to Saudi Arabia's crown prince Mohammed bin Salman.
Mohammed bin Salman appears to have captured his influential relatives on the advice of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Ivanka's husband Jard Kushner, ( President Trump's son-in-law),.
Although all important political, economic and security affairs of Saudi Arabia are carried out by the Americans or with their advice, it seems likely to be gambling because of Trump's very shaky position in the US and his high probability of defeating him in the 2020 US presidential election. Dangerously threatened to prevent  Mohammed bin Salman from finally reaching the throne in Saudi Arabia. On the other hand, because of his youthhood and inexperience, Muhammad bin Salman failed to recognize that Iran, as an important and powerful country with a great deal of influence in the region, could be a good friend for the hard days. His US advisers, of course, also frightened him with Iran, where he and other Saudi officials spent most of their time with anti-Iran comments. maybe if Mohammed bin Salman can now independently decide he will have enough time to start a new chapter in his relationship with Tehran, if that is, a win-win game for him, the region and even the world, as he seeks peace and It will bring real stability, prosperity, and security to the people of the region and the world. From now on, however, we should expect more unexpected and unbelievable news from Saudi Arabia, which may even surprise the world.  

Friday, March 6, 2020

Trump and leaders of some Arab countries should immediately lift all sanctions against the Iranian people because of coronavirus

The Chinese coronavirus is spreading rapidly throughout the world, and unfortunately in Iran, despite the efforts of the country's medical and health authorities, people in various parts of the country have become more infected with the deadly disease. At the same time, Trump's cruel, fanatical and stubborn administration and advisers have imposed the most severe anti humanitarian sanctions against the Iranian people under the pretext of opposing the Iranian government.

However, if Trump does not immediately lift his sanctions against the great people of Iran with the money and order of some of the Arab countries in Persian Gulf states because of the spread of the coronavirus, not only the Iranian people but also the people of the neighboring and Arab states  in the Persian Gulf and eventually all the people of Europe and The US will be severely affected by the coronavirus, which could lead to the defeat of Trump and the Republicans in the 2020 US election. I recommend immediately lifting sanctions if the Republicans and Trump want to avoid being humiliated in the US 2020 election. I also urge some of the Arab leaders in favor of anti-Iranian sanctions to immediately reconsider their anti-Iranian policies as Trump will lose the 2020 election and be ashamed of Iran's anti-Iranian policies. The great nation and the country of Iran have a history of 10,000 years of civilization. You should not treat such people as ugly. We are neighbors and this neighborhood is inevitable. Honesty, humanity and religion teach us that we should respect our neighbor and not commit crimes against our neighbor. so, please urge Trump to lift all sanctions against the Iranian people immediately so that your safety and well-being can be guaranteed otherwise, sooner or later,  coronavirus will reach  to all of your palace and cities, this is inevitable. 
phone call. +989177151120
And you can search my full name, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, online for access to all of my web pages.

Analysis: Sanders can debeat Trump by more votes than Biden

In the 2020 US presidential election, Sanders appears to be Trump's main rival. According to my prediction, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, as an Internet-based activist and researcher on global culture and peace, Sanders will be able to win the 2020 US presidential election by getting the majority of American youth and middle-class families also the poor people votes.

of course, Joe Biden also has the potential to defeat Trump in the 2020 US presidential election, but if Sanders wins the Democratic Party's internal elections, it could also win the votes of tens of millions of neutral and silent Americans. If Sanders competes with Trump, he could win by a larger margin than Biden defeats President Trump. But I have no doubt that President Trump and his hard-line

advisory team will never admit defeat in the 2020 US election even if the Democrats win by a wide margin, claiming either fraud or coup d'état. Unfortunately, President Trump and his wealthy supporters are determined to win the 2020 US election at any cost, and then they want to put a big and terrible end to the world by creating very dangerous crises such as World War III and the complete destruction of all international organizations and global contracts as well as the destruction of the environment on the earth.
 in final, It's enough to draw your attention to another forecast. I predicted a year ago that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu would no longer be Israeli Prime Minister by the end of 2020. His removal process is being completed. I also expect him to go on trial for economic crimes and go to jail soon.
phone call. +989177151120
And you can search my full name, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, online for access to all of my web pages

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

This is very important, please read carefully and inform others about it.

this post is in Persian, I'm sure that all my readers and followers now how translate it by translating software like google translator etc. thank you.

 لطفا همه بخوانند بسیار مهم است
 گزارش کار و بیلان فعالیتهای داخلی و خارجی سعید شجاعی سعدی در اینترنت
و در سال 1398
برسم همه ساله در پایان سال 1398 خورشیدی بیلان کار یکساله خود را بعنوان یک فعال و پژوهشگر اینترنت محور صلح و فرهنگ جهانی تقدیم شما خواننده محترم می نمایم.
تقریبا از ابتدای سال 1398 بود که فشار همه جانبه دولت ترامپ رئیس جمهور امریکا بر مردم و دولت ایران به اوج خود رسید. من بر اساس وظیفه ملی، انسانی خود بعنوان یک فعال و پژوهشگر اینترنت محور صلح و فرهنگ جهانی حتی بقیمت از دست دادن حدود 5 هزار فالور امریکایی که به احتمال زیاد طرفدار ترامپ بودند با نوشتن تویتها، مطلبها و نامه های سرگشاده گوناگون بزبان انگلیسی به ترامپ و اعضای خانواده و مقامات امریکایی و بین المللی،  تلاش کردم تا در حد توان خود مانع گسترش و تشدید تحریمها و فشارهای امریکا بر مردم و دولت ایران گردم.
در واقع اگر برکناری افراد بسیار افراطی و ضد ایران مانند جان بولتون صد دلیل داشته باشد، می توانم ادعا کنم یکی از دلایل برکناری آنها فعالیت های شبانه روزی من بوده است.
بعد از ترور ناجوانمردانه سردار سپهد شهید حاج قاسم سلیمانی و قبل از هدف قرار دادن پایگاه نظامی عین الاسد امریکا در عراق توسط سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی، من طی صدهها پست در تویتر و فیس بوک و نامه به ترامپ و دیگر مقامات امریکا و سازمانهای بین المللی هشدار دادم که ترامپ نباید به هرگونه اقدام تلافی جویانه جمهوری اسلامی ایران واکنش نظامی نشان دهد.
در نامه و تویتهای خود ثابت کردم که قدرت نظامی و موقعیت ژئوپولوتیکی ایران بسیار بالاست و هرگونه درگیری نظامی امریکا و هم پیمانانش با ایران موجب شکست خفت بار آنها خواهد شد. از سوی دیگر هشدار دادم حمله نظامی آنها به ایران دیر یا زود به جنگ جهانی سوم منجر خواهد شد. در همین نامه و تویتهای خود از ترامپ خواستم تا مشاوران تندرو دیگر خود را نیز از کاخ سفید اخراج کند و با کمال تعجب دیدم که جندی بعد از این نامه و تویتها ترامپ همه مشاوران خود را یکجا اخراج نمود.
شاید شما خواننده محترم با خواندن این مطلب و بعد از تحقیق و جستجو در اینترنت که صحت مطلب بیان شده برایتان اثبات گردید با خود بگویید خوشا بحال آقای سعید شجاعی سعدی که حتما مسئولان ایرانی او را روی سر گذاشته و اصطلاحا حلوا حلویش می کنند! بهترین جایگاه اجرایی و اداری و رانت و حقوق بالا مال اوست! .
 اما خدا شاهد است و هم همه آنهایی که مرا می شناسند و همه همه مقامات و مسئولان قدیم و جدید اجرایی و امنیتی که هزاران بلا،  پرونده سازی و گرفتاریهای سیاسی و غیر سیاسی برایم در ناجوانمردانه ترین شکل ممکن، بعدانقلاب و بخصوص در 25 سال اخیر تراشیدند، بخوبی میدانند، من با دارا بودن سه مهارت تخصصی زیر:
 الف: برنامه ریزی اجتماعی.
 ب: کامپیوتر که در این بخش دارای افتخار جهانی اولین ایجاد کننده فارسی ساز ویندوز ایکس. پی .پروفیشنال با استفاده از فارسی ساز ویندوز میلیونیوم و با یک ابتکار هوشمندانه بی آنکه یک خط برنامه نویسی بلد باشم هستم. برای اینکار به همراه برخی دیگر از از فعالان حوزه انفورماتیک ایران به نمایشگاه کامپیوتر امریکا در دوبی دعوت شدم به آنجا رفتم ولی به پیشنهاد اقامت و کار برای آنها پاسخ منفی دادم و به کشور بازگشتم تا در کنار مردم خودم از هرگونه تجاوز احتمالی و جنگ ضد ایران در حد توان خود جلوگیری نمایم.
پ: صنعت جهانگردی: در این صنعت هزاران نفر جهانگرد و داخلی و خارجی را در سایتهای مختلف تاریخی کشور راهنمایی نمودم و نتیجه صدهها مقاله و تحقیق خود را برای کمک به جذب و جلب جهانگرد بیشتر داخلی و خارجی را در صفحات خود منتشر نمودم.
بله همگی بخوبی می دانند که بنده در سال 1375 با وجود مدیریت گره گشا و موفق خود در سازمان وقت حمل و نقل و پایانه های استان فارس با پرونده سازی در حراست اداره کل راه و ترابری وقت و اداره اطلاعات وقت استان فارس وادار به استفعای اجباری شدم. تهدید جانی و آبرویی شدم اما تحمل کردم و ماندم. من شکی ندارم اگر یک صدم این فشارها را بر من بر سر انها اورده بودم یا دیوانه می شدند یا معاند و یا به خارج مهاجرت میکردند!.در سال 83 یکبار دیگر بنده را به اداره وقت اطلاعات استان فرا خوانند تا احتمالا کارم را یکسره کنند اما باز صبر و تحمل پیشه کردم.
شاید شما خواننده محترم تعجب نمایید که بدانید یک قطعه زمین بنده را که در مسیر خیابان قرار گرفته بود شهرداری با تهدید و دسیسه در سال 93 بقیمت متری یکصد و ده هزار تومان بزور خریداری! نمود در حالی که زمین همان سال بیست برابر قیمت داشت.
یادآوری1: برای مورد استعفای اجباری از سازمان حمل و نقل و پایانه های وقت فارس (که اکنون به اداره کل راهداری و حمل و نقل جاده ای فارس تغییر نام داده است) به دیوان عدالت اداری کشور و برای زمین بزور خریداری شده خود به دادگستری کشور شکایت کردم که هردو تقریبا 8 ماه است که در جریان است اما تا کنون نتیجه ای به بنده اعلام نشده است.
یاآوری2: بنده از صمیم قلب همه پرونده سازان و ظالمان بی رحم و بی مروت و عوامل محلی آنها را که برایم تا کنون پرونده سازی نموده اند را بخشیدم ولی واگذارشان را به خدای عادل و در هم کوبنده ظالمان و ریاکاران و متزوران می کنم چرا که این افراد حسود و قدرت طلب و کینه ورزی که قصد جان و آبروی مرا نمودند نه تنها موفق نشدن سر سوزنی آبرو و پیشرفت مرا و خانواده ام را در این سالها بگیرند که رفتار شیطانی و بی رحمانه آنها سبب شد تا بنده با دست خالی و در نهایت فشار و گرفتاریهای ساختگی  و تحمیل محدویت های باور نکردنی توسط مغرضین  قدرتمند حقیقی و حقوقی به راه و روش خود بیشتر ایمان بیاورم و با افزایش تلاشهایم امروز به فردی تبدیل گردم که دو بار به اعلام برنده شدنم توسط وزارتخارجه امریکا برای برنده شدن لاتاری اقامت و گرین کارت امریکا پاسخ منفی دهم و با راهنمایی مستقیم و غیر مستقیم خود، فامیلی را که بزور دو دیپلم در آن یافت می شد را به فامیلی تبدیل نمایم که افراد آن در دانشگاهای معتبر جهان و ایران مشغول تدریس و یا پژوهش و تحصیل هستند.
بعلاوه مطالب بنده بزبان فارسی و انگلیسی در شبکه های مختلف اجتماعی داخلی و خارجی با استقبال چند صد میلیونی از دیدگاه خوانده شدن مطالب روبر گشته است و دهها هزار فالور را از 5 قاره جهان بویژه از کشورهای امریکا و انگلیس و فرانسه و ژاپن و استرالیا که بیشتر آنها در موقعیتهای اداری و دانشگاهی و هنری و رسانه ای بالای قرار دارند را نیز بخود جلب نمایند.
در پایان یا این بیت عوامانه می افتم که می فرماید:
گر نگهدار من آنست که من میدانم ...شیشه را در بغل سنگ نگه می دارد. 

An open letter to president Trump

 The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 US President، Donald Trump  friday, 7 Feb. 2025 Dear, Sir You are aware,  ...