Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Open letter to President Trump

Dear President Trump:
This is my most important letter to you. Unfortunately, you did not pay attention to the previous letters and I'm pretty sure that you will not pay attention to this letter either. It does not matter to me, but neglecting my guides and others may take you to the fate of president Richard Nixon and John f. Kennedy.
 I, Saeed Shojaee Saadi, as an activist and researcher of world culture and peace on the Internet, predict that you will lose the presidential election next year and I have no doubt that you will declare that the election is fraudulent so, you will not leave the White House and will run America to the Civil War according to advice of Mr.Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton.
Mr. President:
 Almost everyone knows that you are heavily influenced by  Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton. Everyone in the world knows that you have made the one-way withdrawal from organizations, contracts, and international treaties by advising these people.
I am pretty sure that the very wrong and disastrous decision to declare the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps as a terrorist has also been made with the request and order of  Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton, etc.
Of course, I'm sure you did this for advertising and helping Netanyahu win the ongoing Israeli election so, the attack will never happen.
The war with Iran means the destruction of a large part of the forces and facilities of the United States and its allies who participate in the invasion of Iran. This will give Russia, China, and North Korea, etc, the best chance of attacking and occupying America and its allies!.
Mr. President, I have two questions for you:
 A- Do you and your government want this?
B- Will the army, people, media and your opponents in the United States allow you to destroy America and the world?
Mr. President:
Sanctions, threats, and humiliations are the very dirty and ugly behavior that you have taken on Iran and Iranians according to your advisers. Surely such a shameful attitude will not surrender Iran and Iranians.
Do not be embarrassed that your government will prevent Iranians and the people of the world from helping the floodgates of Iran and is it not a dirty, inhumane behavior?.
As a friend, I would advise you to change your behavior immediately and cancel the sanctions and deal with Iran and Iranians properly and respectfully, please. This method is much better for America and its allies. you know, Iran now has a lot of spiritual influence in the Middle East.
Why do not you make friendly relations with Iran so you can get a great deal of help from Iran?.
 President Putin and many heads of state of the world use friendship with Iran to help them. Why do not you and the current government in the United States do that ?!
Mr. President:
 Most analysts and media in the USA and the world regard you as a racist, anarchist, and fascist. I do not care about their right or wrong positions.
Mr. President:
It is true that the majority of Iranians are Muslims, but do you know that Iranians are Aryan and their great culture and civilization are nearly eight thousand years old?
Is not it embarrassing to call one of the two great and powerful Iranian armies a terrorist?.
Mr. President :
It is time to abandon the realities of America and the world once and forever and get rid of your very hard-line friends and colleagues like who may send you to failure and destruction in your political life.

 I'm sorry that your advisers and friends like Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton cannot behave properly with Iran and they are highly miscalculated and compel you instead of friendship with Iran to take hostility and catastrophic war. However, if you decide to put aside the past wrong activities about Iran and selecting the path of friendship with Iran, I am ready to help you to reach this aim.
Best regards,
 Saeed Shojaei Saadi, Shiraz, Iran, 4/10/2019, etc    

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An open letter to president Trump

 The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 US President، Donald Trump  friday, 7 Feb. 2025 Dear, Sir You are aware,  ...