Tuesday, April 23, 2019

An open letter to people of the USA

Dear people of the USA
 In the name of humanity and for the peace and security of the world:
I, Saeed Shojaee Saadi, as an activist and researcher of world culture and peace on the Internet, from the land of peace, flowers, poem, the love to humanity and the amazing and beautiful, Iran, present my best peace and respect for you. I invite all people of the world and all Americans to travel Iran to see a wonderful country and people.

        You know, unfortunately, Israeli Prime Minister Mr.Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton also AIPAC, in partnership with two Saudi and Emirati administrations, have apparently decided to begin the whole attack on Iran, after occupation, they want to share it between themselves! This is a ridiculous and unattainable childhood dream. Iran has prepared itself for the defense of its land for 40 Possible aggressive armies from many years ago.
Dear people of the USA:
 Almost everyone knows that President Trump is heavily influenced by Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton. Everyone in the world knows that he made the one-way withdrawal from organizations, contracts, and international treaties by advising these people.
I am pretty sure that the very wrong and disastrous decision to declare the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps as a terrorist and imposing oil, foods, parts, and drug have also been made with the request and order of Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton, etc.
 You know, according to the Wikipedia archaeological and historical team, Iran is the oldest country in the world, with 5300 yrs background and the Achaemenid empire of Iran was the largest and most organized in the world during ancient times.
Dear people of the USA:
Iran's nation has learned to keep his availability, independence, and country within the past 5300 years, it's natural to do the same now.
Iranians are very peaceful people and heartily love to have the best friendly relations with other people especially, with the people of the USA, but a very warlike and hardliner group that have the power in the White House neglecting all things and they are looking for war and mass genocide in the world.

It is true that the majority of Iranians are Muslims, but you know that Iranians are Aryan and their great culture and civilization are nearly eight thousand years old.
Dear people of the USA:
 I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, as an internet-based activist of the world peace and culture warned that any attack on Iran will eventually, lead to the Third World War with hundreds and perhaps billions of people killed, injured and destroyed some part of life on Earth
The war with Iran means the destruction of a large part of the forces and facilities of The United States and its allies who participate in the invasion of Iran. This will give Russia, China, and North Korea, etc, the best chance of attacking and occupying America and its allies!. any war with Iran can raise the oil price to the range between 500 up 1000 dollars.
  I called on President Trump not to take into account the advice of these five and extremist advisors and organization etc, to attack Iran because they want the fate of Hitler, John F. Kennedy or Richard Nixon for him.

As a friend, I would advise President Trump and his extremist advisors to change their behavior immediately and cancel the sanctions and deal with Iran and Iranians properly and respectfully,. This method is much better for America and its allies. you know, Iran now has a lot of spiritual influence in the Middle East.
Dear people of the USA:
Why does not president Trump make friendly relations with Iran to the USA and his allies can get a great deal of help from Iran?.
 President Putin and many heads of state of the world use friendship with Iran to help them. Why does not the current government in the United States do that ?!
I am sure that if Iran-US relations are established, about 90% of the problems in the Middle East and 40 global issues will be resolved?

In fact, I sometimes think that these five people, (Mr.Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton and AIPAC, etc), would encourage President Trump to order the invasion of Iran to serve the interests of China and Russia, not the USA, Israel and their allies' interests!.

How can these five people be able to destroy their countries to provide Russia and China's benefits ?!.
Dear people of the USA:
I would advise president Trump to forget about the war and engage in friendship and dialogue with Iran, which is the best solution for all sides.

The United Nations is the best place for dialogue and resolution of problems and disagreements.
Dear people of the USA:
I am willing to travel to the America or everywhere on the basis of an official invitation, and make it possible to prove my views with logical reasons and documents face to face.

I also ask my about 40,000 Americans and non-Americans internet social pages from all over the world, many of whom are writers, journalists, university professors, artists, politicians etc, and my millions of visitors on my Internet pages from all over the world to warmly condemn President Trump and his extremist advisors plan for attack on Iran and encouraging them to change anti-Iranian policies.

in final, I hope the best of the bests for all people of the world especially for the great nations of the Iran-USA. 
Everyone can follow and like my page on Facebook and Twitter at the following address?


PLEASE note that searching my full name" Saeed Shojaei Saadi" via the Internet gives the full story about my three decades cultural and peaceful activities.
yours sincerely,
Saeed Shojaei Saadi, Shiraz, Iran,

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