Friday, April 26, 2019

Do you know President Trump needs a war or an important international agreement to save himself ?!

President Trump is heavily influenced by Israeli Prime Minister Mr.Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton also AIPAC. They deceived President Trump and encouraged him to withdraw from previous US contracts with other countries.

According to polls conducted in the United States, President Trump's popularity has fallen sharply. Now President Trump's political future is in danger. This time, gentlemen Israeli Prime Minister Mr.Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton also AIPAC  encourage him to attack Venezuela, North Korea or Iran in order to prevent a major defeat in the 2020 presidential election and to prevent impeachment or prosecution, too.

Of course, President Trump hopes to reach a political agreement with the leaders of these three countries, for this reason, tries to force the three countries to accept an agreement by imposing severe sanctions.
Until now, all three countries in Venezuela, North Korea, and Iran are strongly resisting.

Of particular importance is the fact that President Trump and his advisers should know that the attack on Iran is very dangerous and could lead to a Third World War.

I have no doubt that attacking Iran will never save President Trump but will destroy everything of Iran and the United States and their allies of these two major countries.

That's why I have repeatedly suggested that, based on the official invitation of US officials, I am

willing to go to the United States to explain my reasons, and that's why I suggested to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, according to my academic background yesterday to give me the

Responsibility for negotiating and eliminating the relative or complete political tension between the two countries. However, it is unlikely that the ability of me will be proved to him and agree with my suggestion according to the old and corrupt administrative system of the country 

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Presentation An important request and suggestion to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution

درخواست مهم از محضررهبر معزز انقلاب اسلامی 

خدمت رهبر معزز جمهوری اسلامی ایران، 

حضرت آیه الله خامنه ای

با سلام:


 بنده کاملا واقفم که این درخواست خارج از عرف و بیرون از چارچوب نظام فرسوده و سرطانی اداری کشور است، اولا باید توجه داشت  اگر این نظام اداری بدردبخور بود که وضع عدالت اجتماعی و اقتصادی در کشور ما و معیشت اکثریت مردم اینقدر دچار مشکل نبود و ثانیا شرایط حساس کشور و تهدیداتی که از سوی بیگانگان زورگو بر کشور ما روا داشته می شود هم خارج از عرف معمول است.پس برای حل مشکلات همانگونه که بارها تاکید فرموده اید باید کار انقلابی صورت پذیرد که درخواست بنده نیز در راستای تحقق همین امر است.


احتراما اینجانب سعید شجاعی سعدی، بدلایل زیر، از حضرتعالی درخواست می نمایم بنده را دستیار ویژه خود در امور آمریکا و اروپا فرمایید، ( این درخواست هیچ مغایرتی بامسئولیت فعلی آقای دکتر ولایتی و دیگران دربیت و دفتر جنابعالی ندارد)، و یا عنایت نموده به دولت محترم امر یا پیشنهاد فرموده، حقیر را دستیار ویژه ریاست محترم جمهور یا وزیر امور خارجه در امور آمریکا و اروپا و یا مسئول دفترحافظ منافع ایران در

 واشینگتن و یا معاون آقای تخت روانچی در سازمان ملل متحد و یا نماینده ایران در اتحادیه اروپا ( بدون دریافت حقوق و مزایا و غیره ) نمایند، همچنین با درخواست بنده برای تاسیس بنیاد مطالعات بین المللی صلح و فرهنگ جهانی که سالهاست توسط نهادهای ذی ربط، بلاتکلیف و بی پاسخ مانده است، موافقت نمایند.

 دلایل درخواست فوق بشرح ذیل است:

1- حساسیت اوضاع و جدی شدن خطراتی که موجودیت کشور، جان، ناموس و مال مردم را از سوی دولت بشدت اسراییلی کنونی در آمریکا و اذناب و ایادی عرب و غیر عرب متوهم آنها در منطقه ، تهدید می نماید، بنده را بر آن داشت تا این نامه و درخواست فوق را خدمتتان تقدیم نمایم تادر حد وسع و توان تجربی و تخصصی خود به رفع تهدیدات ضد موجودیت و امنیت و منافع ملی ایران عزیز کمک نمایم.

2- بنده شرافتا و وجدانا، سر سوزنی نه به شهرت و نه به پست و مسئولیت و نه به مزایا و رانتهای معمول آن علاقمند نیستم، ( آنها باشد برای عاشقان سینه چاکش)، که اگر بودم در دو فرصت کوتاهی که به نظام اداری و اجرایی واردشدم با خم کردن سرو کمر و دستبوسی و توسل به ریا و تزویر و چاخان و جانماز آب کشیدن! (بمانند برخی از کسانی که بسرعت با توسل به همین روشهای شرارت آمیز و خیانت بار و

 ضد دین و انسانیت به مدارج بالای اداری و ثروتهای باد آورده رسیدند)، رسیده بودم و عشق اقامت در خارج را هم ندارم که اگر داشتم به دو اعلام برنده شدن ایمیل خود برای گرفتن گرین کارت و اقامت دائم در آمریکا که توسط وزارت خارجه آمریکا اعلام گردید پاسخ مثبت می دادم.

3- بنده ی بی ادعا هم اکنون بعنوان یک شهروند ایرانی و نیز از جایگاه یک فعال اینترنت محور صلح و فرهنگ جهانی توانسته ام بدو زبان فارسی و انگلیسی، در شبکه اینترنت و بویژه در شبکه های اجتماعی جهانی، توجه میلیونها بازدید کننده و نیز دهها هزار نفر آمریکایی و اروپایی و از سایر نقاط جهان را دنبال کننده مطالب و علاقمند صفحات خود نمایم که آنها اکثرا از اقشارمختلف و منجمله از فعالان رسانه ای،

 هنرمندان ،نویسنده و پژوهشگر، اساتید دانشگاه و معلمان و نیز فعالان صلح، فرهنگ ، محیط زیست، و حقوق بشر و همچنین برخی مسئولان در رده های مختلف کشورها و سازمانهای بین المللی درجهان هستند را نیز شامل می شود، شکر خداو خوشبختانه به اطلاع می رسانم که فعالیتهای بنده در شبکه های داخلی نیز از پر بینده ترین و پر طرفدارترین صفحات اینترنتی بحساب می آیند.

4- سه مهارت تخصصی برنامه ریزی اجتماعی، صنعت کامپیوتر و صنعت جهانگردی با دستکم 25 سال تجربه و پژوهش، بنده را متقاعد کرد به نگارش این نامه اقدام نمایم. مزید استحضار عرض می کنم که بنده نه متوهم و نه خود بزرگ بین و نه شهرت طلب هستم، بلکه با آگاهی از توانمدندیهای خود اقدام به نگارش این نامه بمنظور کمک به کشور و مردم برای برون رفت از شرایط خطیر حاضر در حدوسع همه جانبه خود، نموده ام. 

5- در صورت موافقت حضرتعالی یا دولت محترم، حضورا توضیحات تکمیلی را تقدیم خواهم نمود و در صورت عدم پذیرش

پیشنهاد بنده،  ادای دین  و وظیفه دینی و ملی  و تاریخی نموده ام.

با تشکر و تقدیم احترامات شایسته،

سعید شجاعی سعدی،شیراز

5 اردیبهشت 1398 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

An open letter to people of the USA

Dear people of the USA
 In the name of humanity and for the peace and security of the world:
I, Saeed Shojaee Saadi, as an activist and researcher of world culture and peace on the Internet, from the land of peace, flowers, poem, the love to humanity and the amazing and beautiful, Iran, present my best peace and respect for you. I invite all people of the world and all Americans to travel Iran to see a wonderful country and people.

        You know, unfortunately, Israeli Prime Minister Mr.Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton also AIPAC, in partnership with two Saudi and Emirati administrations, have apparently decided to begin the whole attack on Iran, after occupation, they want to share it between themselves! This is a ridiculous and unattainable childhood dream. Iran has prepared itself for the defense of its land for 40 Possible aggressive armies from many years ago.
Dear people of the USA:
 Almost everyone knows that President Trump is heavily influenced by Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton. Everyone in the world knows that he made the one-way withdrawal from organizations, contracts, and international treaties by advising these people.
I am pretty sure that the very wrong and disastrous decision to declare the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps as a terrorist and imposing oil, foods, parts, and drug have also been made with the request and order of Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton, etc.
 You know, according to the Wikipedia archaeological and historical team, Iran is the oldest country in the world, with 5300 yrs background and the Achaemenid empire of Iran was the largest and most organized in the world during ancient times.
Dear people of the USA:
Iran's nation has learned to keep his availability, independence, and country within the past 5300 years, it's natural to do the same now.
Iranians are very peaceful people and heartily love to have the best friendly relations with other people especially, with the people of the USA, but a very warlike and hardliner group that have the power in the White House neglecting all things and they are looking for war and mass genocide in the world.

It is true that the majority of Iranians are Muslims, but you know that Iranians are Aryan and their great culture and civilization are nearly eight thousand years old.
Dear people of the USA:
 I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, as an internet-based activist of the world peace and culture warned that any attack on Iran will eventually, lead to the Third World War with hundreds and perhaps billions of people killed, injured and destroyed some part of life on Earth
The war with Iran means the destruction of a large part of the forces and facilities of The United States and its allies who participate in the invasion of Iran. This will give Russia, China, and North Korea, etc, the best chance of attacking and occupying America and its allies!. any war with Iran can raise the oil price to the range between 500 up 1000 dollars.
  I called on President Trump not to take into account the advice of these five and extremist advisors and organization etc, to attack Iran because they want the fate of Hitler, John F. Kennedy or Richard Nixon for him.

As a friend, I would advise President Trump and his extremist advisors to change their behavior immediately and cancel the sanctions and deal with Iran and Iranians properly and respectfully,. This method is much better for America and its allies. you know, Iran now has a lot of spiritual influence in the Middle East.
Dear people of the USA:
Why does not president Trump make friendly relations with Iran to the USA and his allies can get a great deal of help from Iran?.
 President Putin and many heads of state of the world use friendship with Iran to help them. Why does not the current government in the United States do that ?!
I am sure that if Iran-US relations are established, about 90% of the problems in the Middle East and 40 global issues will be resolved?

In fact, I sometimes think that these five people, (Mr.Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton and AIPAC, etc), would encourage President Trump to order the invasion of Iran to serve the interests of China and Russia, not the USA, Israel and their allies' interests!.

How can these five people be able to destroy their countries to provide Russia and China's benefits ?!.
Dear people of the USA:
I would advise president Trump to forget about the war and engage in friendship and dialogue with Iran, which is the best solution for all sides.

The United Nations is the best place for dialogue and resolution of problems and disagreements.
Dear people of the USA:
I am willing to travel to the America or everywhere on the basis of an official invitation, and make it possible to prove my views with logical reasons and documents face to face.

I also ask my about 40,000 Americans and non-Americans internet social pages from all over the world, many of whom are writers, journalists, university professors, artists, politicians etc, and my millions of visitors on my Internet pages from all over the world to warmly condemn President Trump and his extremist advisors plan for attack on Iran and encouraging them to change anti-Iranian policies.

in final, I hope the best of the bests for all people of the world especially for the great nations of the Iran-USA. 
Everyone can follow and like my page on Facebook and Twitter at the following address?,

PLEASE note that searching my full name" Saeed Shojaei Saadi" via the Internet gives the full story about my three decades cultural and peaceful activities.
yours sincerely,
Saeed Shojaei Saadi, Shiraz, Iran,

Monday, April 22, 2019

Did you know...?

Did you know, according to the Wikipedia archaeological and historical team, Iran is the oldest country in the world, with 5300 years background?

Did you know that the Achaemenid empire of Iran was the largest and most organized in the world during ancient times, according to the Wikipedia archaeological and historical team?

Did you know that President Trump has been seeking the removal of the White House radicals calling for a war on Iran, according to some US media outlets?

Did you know that, despite the declaration of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist Corps by president Trump, the US navy need to seek permission from the IRGC to cross the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian for almost every hour based on world's maritime protocols?

Did you know President Trump is seeking secret talks with Iran?

Did you know that on the basis of some of the world's media reports, President Trump tries to quickly improve his relationship with Tehran, to escape the failure of the US presidential election in 2020 and to prevent possible impeachment, too?

Did you know that if Iran-US relations are established, about 90% of the problems in the Middle East and 40 global issues will be resolved?

Did you know that the US State Department has declared my Email twice without my request, as a winner of the Lottery for Green Card, which I did not accept?

Did you know that I am ready to assist in establishing a friendly relationship between Iran and the West, especially between Iran and the United States, according to an official invitation of the academic centers, congresses, and the US and European media?

Did you know that you can follow and like my page on Facebook and Twitter at the following address?
Saeed Shojaei Saadi, Shiraz, Iran,
thank you

Saturday, April 20, 2019

April 21st is the World Day of Saadi, the great. Congratulations to everyone on this day. For this occasion, please study the biography of this great man:

April 21st is the World Day of Saadi, the great. Congratulations to everyone on this day. For this occasion, please study the biography of this great man:
Shaikh Muslih-al-Din Sadi Facts
The Persian poet Shaikh Muslih-al-Din Sadi (ca. 1184-1291) is known in Iran today as its greatest ethical and worldly-wise poet. His works have a poignancy seldom equaled in world literature.

Born in Shiraz, Sadi was the son of a minor poet. His father's patron was Sad ben Zangi, from whom the younger poet took his takhallus, or poetical pseudonym, of Sadi.

Unfortunately, all our knowledge of Sadi must be derived from his own writings. Generally, his life is broken into three main periods. First, he is thought to have studied in Shiraz, his birthplace, and in Baghdad until 1226, leaving these cities only to go on pilgrimages to different religious shrines. While in Baghdad, he studied under the well-known Sufi Shaikh Shihabud-Din Suhrawardi, of whose unselfish piety Sadi makes mention in his first major work, the Bustan. He proved to be a very fine student and soon gained fame as a wit and poet of short descriptive passages. His early poetry, on the whole, represented well the clever, half-pious, half-worldly side of the Persian character.

It was during the second period, from 1226 to 1256, that Sadi traveled widely and gained the experiences that were to be expressed so cogently later in his works. He left Shiraz largely because the old social and political infrastructure was breaking down. This was a period of warring and chaos in Persia. Sadi visited central Asia, India, Syria, Egypt, Arabia, Ethiopia, and Morocco.

Major Works
Sadi then returned home to his native town of Shiraz in 1256 to record his many experiences. This marks the third distinct period in his life. A year after his return he finished the Bustan (Fruit Garden). This is a collection of poems on ethical subjects always evidencing a practical train of thought. Then, in 1258, he finished the Gulistan (Rose Garden), which is a collection of moral stories in prose interspersed with verse. His last major work, the Diwan, was completed near the end of his life and is more biographical in nature.

Much has been said of the "ethical" nature of Sadi's writing, but this is so in a unique sense. The moral of the first story in the Gulistan is that "an expedient falsehood is preferable to a mischievous truth." The fourth story tries to show that the best education of a man is useless if he has inherited criminal tendencies. The eighth warns that a cornered cat will scratch out the eyes of a leopard. The ninth reiterates the sad truth that often a man's worst enemies are the inheritors of his wealth. And the fourteenth commends a soldier who deserted because his pay was in arrears.

As a moralist, Sadi gained much from the vicissitudes of life that he experienced on his travels. His knowledge of the world adds much to his cosmopolitan view. He seems to look upon the world with sympathetic humor and not harsh satire. And yet he is sometimes Machiavellian. Revenge is sometimes recommended in place of mercy, insincerity in place of veracity. Above all, man is encouraged to keep his independence from other people.

The different aspects of Sadi's morality make it difficult to believe in his sincerity. However, with a Persian poet, it is often difficult to separate what belongs to the poet himself and what are concessions to his patrons. In any case, his popularity in the Eastern world should not be overlooked. Sadi has shown himself in all his humanity, and he has satisfied the predilections of the Persians for moralizing, a trait they have had since pre-Islamic times.

Finally, when speaking to the philosophy of his day— mysticism—there is no doubt that Sadi was a diligent student and believer. But when referring to the Sufis of his day, he is always more of a moralizer than a mystic. It was precisely the perishability of the world that made it of value for Sadi. He preached a this-worldliness with only a moderate fatalism, and he disapproved of extreme piety.

Further Reading on Shaikh Muslih-al-Din Sadi
Edward Rehatsek's translation The Gulistan, or Rose Garden of Sa'di (1964), includes an excellent biographical preface by W. G. Archer and a fine introduction by G. M. Wickens. There is no definitive full-length biography of Sadi. The best sources are Edward G. Browne, A Literary History of Persia (4 vols., 1906-1909), which discusses the full range of Persian literature and relates Sadi to many of his contemporaries, and Philip K. Hitti, History of the Arabs (1937; 10th ed. 1970). For good discussions of the Sufism of Sadi see A. J. Arberry, Sufism: An Account of the Mystics of Islam (1950), and Idries Shah, The Sufis (1964).

Sunday, April 14, 2019

In the name of humanity and for the peace and security of the world

Dear President, Speaker, Senators and Representatives of the Senate of America and the House of Representatives,

Ladies and gentlemen:


       Unfortunately, Israeli Prime Minister Mr.Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton and AIPAC , in partnership with two Saudi and Emirati administrations, have apparently decided to begin the whole attack on Iran, after occupation,  they want to share it between themselves! This is a ridiculous and unattainable childhood dream. Iran has prepared itself for defense of its land for 40 Possible aggressive armies from many years ago.

 I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, as an internet-base activist of the world peace and culture, warn that any attack on Iran will eventually lead to the Third World War with hundreds and perhaps billions of people killed, injured and destroyed some part of life on Earth.

  I call on President Trump not to take into account the advice of these five people and organization etc, to attack Iran because they want the fate of Hitler, John F. Kennedy or Richard Nixon for him.

The path to victory in the 2020 presidential election in US is peace and friendship with Iran, not war or hostility to it.

Never underestimate the apparent and hidden power of the Iranian military and civilians. An attack on Iran will  not only make the people of Iran more united, but also will support Iran's adversaries in all countries of the world against the aggressors.

I predict,  if Israel, the UAE and Saudi Arabia take part in any attack on Iran with president Trump, I have no doubt that in the first three months of the war, most cities and most of their rule will be lost and this is in the interest of China and Russia.

In fact, I sometimes think that these five people etc, would encourage President Trump to order the invasion of Iran to serve the interests of China and Russia!.

How can these five people be able to destroy their countries to provide Russia and China's benefits ?!.

I would advise president Trump to forget about the war and engage in friendship and dialogue with Iran, which is the best solution for all sides.

The United Nations is the best place for dialogue and resolution of problems and disagreements.

I am willing to travel to the America or everywhere on the basis of an official invitation, and make it possible to prove my views with logical reasons and documents face to face.

I also ask my about 40,000 Americans and non-Americans internet social pages from all over the world, many of whom are writers, journalists, university professors, artists, politicians,etc, to rise their voices against war .

For this reason, in the name of humanity and for the peace and security of the world, I call on the 40,000 people and millions of visitors on their Internet pages from all over the world to warmly condemn President Trump's plan for attack on Iran, especially the five people( Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Mr.Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton ) who have a great influence on President Trump to change anti-Iranian policies . Ihave also written an important letter to president Trump and I offer you to read it,  too,.
the two nations of THE USA and Iran love andrespect each other, I suggest both governments to learn from their nation.

With all due respect

Saeed Shojaei Saadi, Shiraz, Iran

4/14/2019, etc.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Open letter to President Trump

Dear President Trump:
This is my most important letter to you. Unfortunately, you did not pay attention to the previous letters and I'm pretty sure that you will not pay attention to this letter either. It does not matter to me, but neglecting my guides and others may take you to the fate of president Richard Nixon and John f. Kennedy.
 I, Saeed Shojaee Saadi, as an activist and researcher of world culture and peace on the Internet, predict that you will lose the presidential election next year and I have no doubt that you will declare that the election is fraudulent so, you will not leave the White House and will run America to the Civil War according to advice of Mr.Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton.
Mr. President:
 Almost everyone knows that you are heavily influenced by  Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton. Everyone in the world knows that you have made the one-way withdrawal from organizations, contracts, and international treaties by advising these people.
I am pretty sure that the very wrong and disastrous decision to declare the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps as a terrorist has also been made with the request and order of  Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton, etc.
Of course, I'm sure you did this for advertising and helping Netanyahu win the ongoing Israeli election so, the attack will never happen.
The war with Iran means the destruction of a large part of the forces and facilities of the United States and its allies who participate in the invasion of Iran. This will give Russia, China, and North Korea, etc, the best chance of attacking and occupying America and its allies!.
Mr. President, I have two questions for you:
 A- Do you and your government want this?
B- Will the army, people, media and your opponents in the United States allow you to destroy America and the world?
Mr. President:
Sanctions, threats, and humiliations are the very dirty and ugly behavior that you have taken on Iran and Iranians according to your advisers. Surely such a shameful attitude will not surrender Iran and Iranians.
Do not be embarrassed that your government will prevent Iranians and the people of the world from helping the floodgates of Iran and is it not a dirty, inhumane behavior?.
As a friend, I would advise you to change your behavior immediately and cancel the sanctions and deal with Iran and Iranians properly and respectfully, please. This method is much better for America and its allies. you know, Iran now has a lot of spiritual influence in the Middle East.
Why do not you make friendly relations with Iran so you can get a great deal of help from Iran?.
 President Putin and many heads of state of the world use friendship with Iran to help them. Why do not you and the current government in the United States do that ?!
Mr. President:
 Most analysts and media in the USA and the world regard you as a racist, anarchist, and fascist. I do not care about their right or wrong positions.
Mr. President:
It is true that the majority of Iranians are Muslims, but do you know that Iranians are Aryan and their great culture and civilization are nearly eight thousand years old?
Is not it embarrassing to call one of the two great and powerful Iranian armies a terrorist?.
Mr. President :
It is time to abandon the realities of America and the world once and forever and get rid of your very hard-line friends and colleagues like who may send you to failure and destruction in your political life.

 I'm sorry that your advisers and friends like Netanyahu, Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton cannot behave properly with Iran and they are highly miscalculated and compel you instead of friendship with Iran to take hostility and catastrophic war. However, if you decide to put aside the past wrong activities about Iran and selecting the path of friendship with Iran, I am ready to help you to reach this aim.
Best regards,
 Saeed Shojaei Saadi, Shiraz, Iran, 4/10/2019, etc    

An open letter to president Trump

 The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 US President، Donald Trump  friday, 7 Feb. 2025 Dear, Sir You are aware,  ...