Friday, November 16, 2018

Open Letter to First Lady of the United States Melania Trump

Dear Lady Melania Trump:


I, Saeed Shojaee Saadi, as an internet-based researcher and activist of Peace and World Culture, invite you to take the two following issues into consideration:

A - My Internet-based research has shown a decline in the popularity of President Trump and the Republican Party last year, and I have repeatedly reminded them in open letters to president Trump, Lady Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner etc, but unfortunately, they did not pay attention.

My research showed that the wrong advice from Mr. Jared Kushner, John Bolton, Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo and others, reduced the popularity of President Trump and the failure of the Republicans in the US mid-term election.

Dear Lady Melania Trump:

If President Trump does not change his domestic and foreign policies, I predict that the Republican party will lose the White House and the Senate in the 2020 election.

Dear Lady Melania Trump:

I believe that the Middle East is the center of world peace and war!, and I consider Iran as the main axis and power of it for the following reasons:

1. Iran has a powerful military, high oil, gas, and mineral etc, resources.

2- The people of Iran have 8000 years of culture and civilization background and history.

3. Nearly 92% of the Iranian people are literate.

4. Nearly 40 percent of Iran's population is young and 65% of them are post-educated.

5. Iran is a peace-loving country with 8,000-year-old literature and culture. Iran has the most Registered historical and World Heritage in UNESCO.

6. Iran is an industrial country. indeed, In the following technologies, Iran is the world's first 10 countries:

 Nanotechnology, satellite manufacturing, telecommunications, medicine, oil and gas, chemical, steel, ship and submarine industries, nuclear and agricultural industries, automotive, military industries, and so on.

Dear Lady Melania Trump:

 President Trump's advisers, on the pretext of securing Israel, have unfortunately enforced him to declare a great deal of the severe sanctions on Iran.

By doing so, they presented the modern and powerful Iran to Russia and China free of charge !.

In addition, we see, Israel's security is severely affected negatively by Iran's sanction.

Dear Lady Melania Trump:

I suggest:

President Trump dismisses his low literacy advisers, colleagues and chooses a policy of friendship with Iran.

for the first step president Trump can take all sanctions of Iran and beginning the real talks without threats, I am sure that both sides reach a full agreement, it can win the Republican Party in the 2020 election, without a doubt, and guaranteed the security of all countries including Iran, USA, Israel.

 B. Iran is a beautiful country with four seasons, your recent trip to the African continent has shown that you are interested in a lot of travel.

I invite you, President Trump and all the great family members of Trump to travel to Iran.

I promise you personally to be your guide, and on this journey, you will become familiar with the people, the culture and the unforgettable nature.

Dear Lady Melania Trump:

    In the end, I give the best wishes to all the nations, especially the two great nations of Iran and the United States, and I express my sympathy with the American people about the fires of California, recent floods in various states, especially in the two states of North and South Carolina.

Yours sincerely

Saeed Shojaei Saadi

Shiraz, Iran


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Have my tweets, research, and peaceful activities, influenced the outcome of the America Mid-Term election?


As a global peace activist and researcher on the Internet from Iran, I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, suggest you study and thinking of this post carefully, because it may help to solve some of the domestic and global political and cultural problems.

after suspending my research activities in world culture and peace on the Internet for almost 9 months because of the rise of the disagreements between Iran and the United States, I came to the conclusion that I would come back! And this time I used all of my proficiencies and triple experience(Social

Planning, Computer, Tourism) to put a positive effect on the American public opinions also on the media and moderate realistic politicians in favor of peace and global security and the interests of the two great nations of Iran and America.

In this regard, I have used the "Twitter" and "LinkedIn" Network as well as the Blogger, etc,
I have also sent thousands of email to the American's genuine political, cultural, artistic, media activists and administrative sectors and the world's officials and organizations.

For example, I have tweeted nearly three thousand and five hundred posts from September to November about the American elections on my Twitter page.

Now a question arises:

Are my research and peaceful activities effective on the results of the November 6, US election and the defeat of the extremists?

The answer to this question is with you! I do not comment about it.

the report of two American accredited reference sites about the impact of the activities of me has announced as follows:

1- 49.1% of my followers are in American.
2- The average age of my followers is 32 years.
3. Effective tweets for followers have been around 64%.
4. The rate of interaction between the author and readers has been high.


You can read the full story at the following links if you are interested.



Added, searching my full name on the Internet will give you full story.


Saeed Shojaei Saadi, Shiraz, Iran.
Mobile; +989177151120

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Mr. President Trump, why did you break my birthday joy?

 Mr. President
Today (November 3), is my birthday, on this occasion, all of my family members were at my home for lunch.
But when I got up this morning, I was hoping to hear good news on my birthday, on the contrary, unfortunately I see two following events:

1- Announcing the terrible news of the boycotting and sanctions of drugs and spare parts to Iran by you!.

2. Persepolis football team defeat of Iran in Asian Cup finals!.

Mr. President

I'm confident that once all the problems between Iran and the United States will be resolved, and again, the two governments and the two nations will unite to provide more peace and security to themselves and to the world.

Mr. President:

 please do not do anything that would be ashamed of the two great nations of Iran and America in the future. If I were you, I would not trust the words, opinions Analysis of my advisers about Iran.
It seems that they want to make you infamous in history and introduce you as a ruthless person who is going to end the incompetent work of Adolf Hitler.

But I know that you are not a ruthless person and you do not believe in the goals of Hitler? Is not it?

Mr. President:

It also seems that they want to force  you gradually go toward to start the
 World War, you know that billions of people will be killed by the use of nuclear weapons
And the earth will be destroyed simply if you accept their dangerous pieces of advice.

Mr. President:

 As a researcher and activist of the world  Peace and Culture on the internet and as a simple Iranian citizen, I,  Saeed Shojaei Saadi,  predict that
Your above mentioned fanatical advisers will cause the full or partial failure of the Republican party in the mid-term elections of the US Congress on Tuesday, November 6th.

Mr. President:

Iranians are very peaceable and lovable as well as all other people of the world, they are Aryan and have 8000 years amazing culture and civilization.

I know the main problem between the governments of Iran and USA is "Israel".
I ask you and your advisers not to make situations worse and not to turn the opportunities of peace and friendship into hostility between the Iranian government and the United States, etc.

 Mr. President:

 do not you think that your current policies and your hardline adviser's political manners about Iran never help Israel's security and progress?

I consider the security of Iran, Israel and Saudi Arabia and other countries of the Middle East region in establishing peace and the renewal of the relationship between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Israel, in addition of Iran and Saudi Arabia relations, too.

For this reason, I wrote some letter to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Prime Minister of Israel, Mr. Netanyahu, as well as to Prince Mohamed bin Salman and Lady Ivanka Trump and Mr. Jred Kushner, etc, tried to suggest some recommendations to operate it.
Here are some important links that can help you make good decisions about Iran:

1- Why am I writing a lot of letters to the heads of the western countries and the international organizations?

2- Talking about establishing the relationship with Israel and its official identification in Iran is a big and dangerous taboo, but I broke it by writing an open letter to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran. more:

3- An important open letter to president Donald Trump:

4- A very important open Letter to Lady Ivanka Trump read more:

5- An important open letter to Mr. Jared Kushner :

6- The important open letter to Prince Mohammad Bin Salman:

7- Open Letter to Israeli Prime Minister Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu: …

8- An important letter to the great American people:

9-  About Me, (Saeed Shojaei Saadi)

Yours sincerely,
Saeed Shojaei Saadi
Shiraz, Iran

Thursday, November 1, 2018

An important open letter to Mr. Jared Kushner

Dear Jared:

You are the son-in-law of President Trump and the husband of Lady Ivanka Trump.
Mr.Jared Kushner, you are the son-in-law of President Trump and Ivanka Trump's husband.
 All girls in the world have an influence on their fathers, but Ivanka's influence on her father is different because her father is the president of the great American nation.

On the other hand, you also have influence over Ivanka, and this fact is also known by President Trump, which is why he has a special trust in you.

Unfortunately, due to the young and inexperienced, you have given President Trump a lot of wrong advice.

Dear Jared:

Money brings comfort and prosperity but never gives an intolerable person the ability to properly understand international issues and global political governance.

Your political behavior and the team of advisers of President Trump more radically and fiercely, Mr. John Belton and Mr. Mike Pompeo have not only posed a serious challenge to the security and national interests of the United States but also threatened world security and peace with the risk of the outbreak of the Third World War.

You promote white racism in the United States and around the world, and this ugly behavior has been the result of the deaths of 11 innocent Jewish in Pittsburgh synagogue shooting when they were
 at worship, it's why Jews, despite being Jewish, you have been severely criticized by them.

Dear Jared:

 By giving the catastrophe advice to Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, who is a young and inexperienced person like you, unfortunately,

Attacking Yemen and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent Yemeni women and children.
also, the terrible murder of Jamal Khashoggi, a journalist, and critic of Saudi politics is the other catastrophe decision.

Dear Jared:

You repeatedly ignore the international laws and conventions and you apply the most severe sanctions on medicine, agriculture, and parts of the airplane on the different countries and you will not be ashamed of God and the people of the world!

Dear Jared:

Why are you doing this? Why should a human being do ugly things like lying and deceit, give the order of murder and inhumanity manner?

Why should Americans and the world pay your ugly works?

Dear Jared:

You and Mr. Mohammed bin Salman owe your father's for current position and Why Should not use your facilities in the interests of peace and security of your own people and the world?!.

 Dear Jared:

life is moving fast. is not the time to change your politics and behavior?.

I advise you to go to the synagogue and Mohammed bin Salman goes to the mosque to pray and repent maybe God forgive both of you.

 Dear Jared:

Please do not be exasperated about my letter and please do not order Mr. Mohammad bin Salman to kill me like Jamal Khashoggi, because of saying Facts and the fight against oppression and corruption, I am in very hard and terrible situations by cheated and hypocrite hardliners in Iran, but I am optimistic about the future, in fact, by patience, I endure all the problems so far.

Dear Jared:

The behavior of you and the president of the Trump consulting team has greatly reduced President Trump's popularity in American public opinion.

That's why I anticipate that the American people will not vote for the Republican candidates in the November 6, 2018 election. You and the team of advisers of President Trump, especially, Mr. John Belton and Mr. Mike Pompeo, will be responsible for this big defeat.

In final, I wish the people of Iran, USA and the world,  progress, security, justice, prosperity and full economic prosperity also, I wish the world governments respect for human dignity to their people.

Yours sincerely

Saeed Shojaei Saadi, Shiraz, Iran.

About Me, (Saeed Shojaei Saadi)

Saeed Shojaei Saadi, Shiraz, Iran.

An open letter to president Trump

 The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 US President، Donald Trump  friday, 7 Feb. 2025 Dear, Sir You are aware,  ...