Friday, June 6, 2014

my 48 tweets

said shogaiee saadi, @shogaiee  ·  1m
i think the israeli people is not lookiing for war with iran.they are looking for peace and safe life.does Mr Netanyahu think so,or for war
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 said shogaiee saadi, @shogaiee  ·  10m
چرا نباید مردم دو کشور امریکا برای حل وفصل نهایی اختلافات ایران و امریکا پادرمیانی نکنند؟آیا این بنفع منافع و امنیت دو کشور و مردم جهان نیست
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 said shogaiee saadi, @shogaiee  ·  12m
both people of IRAN and USA should take roling of a mediator for putting an end to all problems.i estimate they reconcile both governments!.
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 said shogaiee saadi, @shogaiee  ·  27m
i guess president OBAMA meets persident ROHUNI this year! then, tell me will these men being happy!(photoshop photos)

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 said shogaiee saadi, @shogaiee  ·  1h
why does president Obama love USA children and not other countries children?!tell me why USA drones kill them

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 said shogaiee saadi, @shogaiee  ·  2h
its no matter how much followers do you have!.it is important they really being your tweets following & liking them!.
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 said shogaiee saadi, @shogaiee  ·  Jun 4
love & loving are only beautiful and wonderful norm in universe,of course,after God that is unexplained beautiful & nice,so God bless loving
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 said shogaiee saadi, @shogaiee  ·  Jun 4
i am ready to kiss hand of all people which really looking for peace to avoid new world war,God created human beings to live not to die soon
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 said shogaiee saadi, @shogaiee  ·  Jun 4
if anyone select war then,he should waiting for huge POSSIBLE CASUALTIES, if selecting peace a wonderful friendly relations welcome to him!.
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 said shogaiee saadi, @shogaiee  ·  Jun 4
war or peace! both of them are here, we just make our decision to select on of it! wisdom people takes to peace and extremist one select war

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