Sunday, May 11, 2014

i have been never looking for fame&wealthy or power etc. i am just helping to solve the problems may cause a huge new regional or world war.

am a simple person of iranian people with about8000 years peaceful&cultural norms.financially,i may not being rich,but am in love of helping
i am not anti any regimes and people  and skin colors, i am  just oppsite for racism and discriminations, we need having a good way of ties.
unfortunately,some arab states and israel trying to destory the peace process between iran and the west at 5+1 qroup. i think its so wrong!
my mobile NO. is 0917151120 but if you make a call or sending sms and i  may  not receive it,please do not surprise! its usual for me!
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am a simple person of iranian people with about8000 years peaceful&cultural norms.financially,i may not being rich,but am in love of helping
شما می توانید صفحه سعید شجاعی سعدی در فیس بوک را نیز مشاهده نمایید 
مطالب سیاسی و طنز و فرهنگی در ان جا قرار دارد
anyone has own right to have religion and culture and political regime he may  gets each other to reach this goals. follow me
there is no nation in the world looking for the war !. we must eachother to help our govts. to put the war and bleeding away.long live peace
please see my page on twitter and lets other to know more about my 8 years activities for making pace between iran and his allies& the west
i know best that acting for the peace&cultural issues of the different socities has huge problems and oppositions& may sending me jail here.
i have been never looking for fame&wealthy or power etc. i am just helping to solve the problems may cause a huge new regional or world war.
i need your helping in any part of the world for establishing an international peace center and studies making a world more peaceful & safe
i want to estabilish an international  peace center & studies soonly! not only for preventing a war between iran and the west but world too
if any body want to have political and cultural issues and viewpoints exchanging! i am deeply ready run for it!sms me or mail a text to me!
if any university or media of the world invite me, then i am ready to begin a nice debate rebuilding the bad ties between iran and the west.
the west and iran must not being the enemy each other ! friendly relations is best for benifits and security both sides and the world too.
i said shogaiee saadi as an iranian simple citizen ready to debate about peace between the west and iran based on my 8 years past activities
تا کی مرگ بر این و مرگ بر ان؟! تا کی خودی و غیر خودی؟تا کی اولویت شهرت و شهوت و ثروت و قدرت شخصی و جناحی بر منافع و امنیت ملی تا کی ریا ؟!

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