Monday, April 6, 2020

I have a few questions form President Trump

As an Internet activist and researcher on global culture and peace, I have a few questions for President Trump:
Mr. President Trump, I ask you:
Isn't it time to think about the desire to cooperate with other countries to defeat Coronavirus while Corona is spreading rapidly in the United States and killing the American people, and like all other countries, the USA needs global help and cooperation?
Isn't it time to end the sanctions on Iran, Venezuela, Syria and so on?
Isn't it time to ask Saudi Arabia to end the fruitless and brutal war in Yemen?

Isn't it time for the UN Security Council and the General Assembly, with the cooperation of all countries in the world, to create a single policy to fight the coronavirus?

Have you thought most probably,you have to leave the White House this year or 2024 you would be ashamed of God and the people of America and the world if you do not do your duties well about the US and the world people?.
I would be very grateful if you could answer these questions, or at least think about them alone and away from incompetent counselors.

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