Wednesday, March 6, 2019

An open letter to the people of Israel

Dear Israeli people:

I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, as a researcher and internet activist of the world peace and culture, propose you not vote for Mr. Netanyahu and his party.

He has shown that he is not honest in speech and not in his deeds, and he thinks of his personal interests and his family instead of the interests and people of Israel and for this reason now, he, his wife and son are being investigated by Israeli judiciary for Mis-use of power and financial corruption.
Mr. Netanyahu is in urgent need of a war and conflict with his neighbors and Iran, in order to stay in power.

 During his previous campaign, he promised you to destroy the Syrian government, Hezbollah of Lebanon and Hamas, but today you see that these three are ultimately power and credibility. He and his government deliberately and vulgarly show Iran as a bloodthirsty enemy of the Israeli people, in order to frighten you, while Iran has 8,000 years of civilization and is very peaceful and 

civilized, and has so far prevented the destruction of the Jewish people three times in history, and That is why the Israelis and all the Jews of the world are morally indebted to Iranians. Why should a very fanatic and warlike government like Mr. Netanyahu represent you that are good people ?!.

In final, I ask you not to vote for Mr Netanyahu and his party for the security of Israel and the region again. you know, He has promised you security for many years, but he has given you insecurity and war. Unfortunately, he is a great magician and a great trick.

With the wish of peace and security and friendship between all nations and states of the world
Saeed Shojaei Saadi - Shiraz, Iran

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