Sunday, March 17, 2019

Brutal killing of a group of Muslims residing in New Zealandکشتار وحشیانه جمعی از مسلمانان ساکن در نیوزلند

کشتار وحشیانه جمعی از مسلمانان ساکن در نیوزلند

فرد یا افرادی نژاد پرست در نهایت وحشیگری به مکانی که برای ستایش خداوند
برپا شده است حمله

می کنند و 50 نفر را شهید و تعداد زیادی را نیز مجروع نموده که حال
تعدادی از آنها وخیم است.

این کشتار وحشیانه درواقع حمله و توهین آشکار به ارزشهای انسانی است.

متاسفانه گروههای وحشی صفتی چون داعش که با کشتار و سربریدنهای گسترده به
نام مسلمان و اسلام انجام داده و یا میدهند بهانه لازم را به افراد و
گروههای نژادپرست در سرتا سر جهان میدهد تا با حمایت احزاب و سیاستمداران
نژادپرست مسلمان بیگناه را مورد حملات و کشتارهای وحشیانه خود قرار دهند
که آخرین مورد آن حمله به مساجد و کشتار نمازگزاران

در کشور نیوزلند است.بنده سعید شجاعی سعدی بعنوان یک فعال و پژوهشگر
اینترنت محور فرهنگ و صلح جهانی ،به سهم خود ضمن محکوم کردن این جنایت
بزرگ ضد انسان و انسانیت از مقامات نیوزلند میخواهم تا بفوریت عامل و
عاملین این کشتار وحشیانه را به اشد مجازات برسانند و از سازمان ملل متحد
نیز درخواست دارم تا با برگزاری یک کنفرانس جهانی با حضور همه کشورهای
جهان به راه کاری جهانی برای جلوگیری از تکرار چنین حوادث فاجعه باری در
دنیا اقدام نماید.

سعید شجاعی سعدی 25 اسفند 1397-شیراز
Brutal killing of a group of Muslims residing in New Zealand

An individual or a group racist attack some places that Muslims went
there to praise the Lord.

They killed 50 people and injured a number of them,

This brutal murder is in fact a clear offensive against human values.

Unfortunately, wildlife groups such as ISIS, who carry out mass murder
and mass behead in the name of Islam and God, carry the pretext to
racists all over the world, with the support of racist parties and
politicians for brutal assassinations and killings of innocent Muslim.
The last of which is the attack on the mosques and the killing of the
prayers In New Zealand, I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi as an internet-based
activist and researcher on world culture and peace, seek New Zealand
officials while condemning this great crime against humanity, I urge
the agents and perpetrators of this brutal massacre to be punished
most severely. And I ask the United Nations to launch a global
conference with the participation of all countries of the world in a
global effort to prevent the repetition of such catastrophic events in
the world.

Saeed Shojaei Saadi ,March 17th 2019--Shiraz.Iran

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

An open letter to the people of Israel

Dear Israeli people:

I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, as a researcher and internet activist of the world peace and culture, propose you not vote for Mr. Netanyahu and his party.

He has shown that he is not honest in speech and not in his deeds, and he thinks of his personal interests and his family instead of the interests and people of Israel and for this reason now, he, his wife and son are being investigated by Israeli judiciary for Mis-use of power and financial corruption.
Mr. Netanyahu is in urgent need of a war and conflict with his neighbors and Iran, in order to stay in power.

 During his previous campaign, he promised you to destroy the Syrian government, Hezbollah of Lebanon and Hamas, but today you see that these three are ultimately power and credibility. He and his government deliberately and vulgarly show Iran as a bloodthirsty enemy of the Israeli people, in order to frighten you, while Iran has 8,000 years of civilization and is very peaceful and 

civilized, and has so far prevented the destruction of the Jewish people three times in history, and That is why the Israelis and all the Jews of the world are morally indebted to Iranians. Why should a very fanatic and warlike government like Mr. Netanyahu represent you that are good people ?!.

In final, I ask you not to vote for Mr Netanyahu and his party for the security of Israel and the region again. you know, He has promised you security for many years, but he has given you insecurity and war. Unfortunately, he is a great magician and a great trick.

With the wish of peace and security and friendship between all nations and states of the world
Saeed Shojaei Saadi - Shiraz, Iran

An open letter to president Trump

 The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 US President، Donald Trump  friday, 7 Feb. 2025 Dear, Sir You are aware,  ...