Wednesday, May 24, 2017

please study these two letters carefully, and share these letters to your friend, media etc, for extending peace and friendship instead of war and enmity in the world.

please study these two letters carefully, and share these letters to your friend, media etc, for extending peace and friendship instead of war and enmity in the world.
my important and peaceful letter to Mrs, Ivanka Trump

Dear Ivanka Trump

I understand President Trump problems in the USA, and why you and your father traveled to Saudi

Arabia to gain about 480 Billions Dollars but, I do not understand, why do you intend to run a major

war between some Arab countries and Israel with Iran and its allies, in order to get ride of domestic

serious problems (including possible of removing of presidency for delivering top -secret information

to Russia, etc).running war in Middle east is not a safe solution for resolving the white house my opinion, the main president Trump's problems is unprofessional consultants around


I wrote a letter to your father several months ago and suggested to be one of his counselors, without

any salary, but I did not receive any response, so, I repeat my suggestion once again now.

please accept my peaceful and friendship, advice, please forget to start any war in the Middle East

between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Israel also their allies, please forget to save your father by leading

the international communities to the world war 3. Studies show if you start any war with Iran, not

only your father's problems can not resolve but lead the USA and the world in new deep trouble and

crisis, too. you know, we are not looking for war and enmity in the world, you know,

Iran and Iranians are very peaceful and civilized, you know Iran has about 8000 yrs constructive and

human culture and civilizations, and freed and released Jews 3 times in history.

I am waiting for your answer to my suggestions and advice.please do not forget the Iranians and

Americans are the friends of each other please do not make them enemy of each other for your family

and personal interests.i sure both civilized nations of USA and Iran know your goals very well.

thank you.

best regards.

Saeed Shojaei Saadi., Shiraz, Iran
mobile, +989177151120

my important peaceful letter to Minister of Defense and Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia

Dear Minister of Defense and Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia

As a world's peace and culture activist/ researcher, I feel so much danger for entire the Middle East,

including Saudi Arabia and Iran after president Trump's trip to your country.

the enemies of peace and security of the Middle East states, have made

their decision to run a terrible and destructive war in order to get rid of their domestic political and

economical etc, problems, I predict, if any kind of war begin in the Middle East, this war will lead to

World War III, without any doubt at final. be sure, at the end of this war, neither you nor we, or any

other countries and governments can remain safe and secure, because, the geopolitics of region, of

course, whole of the world are going to be changed, by superpowers so, I suggest you travel Iran or

invite Mr, Zarif to Saudi Arabia to talk about all problems, I sure at the end of this meetings, the

previous brotherhood relations can be restored.however, Iran and Iranians are very peaceful and

civilized, you know Iran has about 8000 yrs constructive and human culture and

civilizations,however, if you officially invite me, I am ready to travel to Saudi Arabia to talk and

share more about my suggestions and peaceful solutions.

thank you.
best regards.
Saeed Shojaei Saadi., Shiraz, Iran
mobile, +989177151120

my important and peaceful letter to Mrs, Ivanka Trump

Dear Ivanka Trump

I understand President Trump problems in the USA, and why you and your father traveled to Saudi 

Arabia to gain about 480 Billions Dollars but, I do not understand, why do you intend to run a major 

war between some Arab countries and Israel with Iran and its allies, in order to get ride of domestic 

serious problems (including possible of removing of presidency for delivering top -secret information

 to Russia, etc).running war in Middle east is not a safe solution for resolving the white house my opinion, the main president Trump's problems is unprofessional consultants around 

I wrote a letter to your father several months ago and suggested to be one of his counselors, without 

any salary, but I did not receive any response, so, I repeat my suggestion once again now.

please accept my peaceful and friendship, advice, please forget to start any war in the Middle East 

between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Israel  also their allies, please forget to save your father by leading 

the international communities to the world war 3. Studies show if you start any war with Iran, not

 only your father's problems can not resolve but lead the USA and the world in new deep trouble and 

crisis, too. you know, we are not looking for war and enmity in the world, you know, 

Iran and Iranians are very peaceful and civilized, you know Iran has about 8000 yrs constructive and

 human culture and civilizations, and freed and released Jews 3 times in history.

I am waiting for your answer to my suggestions and advice.please do not forget the Iranians and 

Americans are the friends of each other please do not make them enemy of each other for your family

 and personal interests.i sure both civilized nations of USA and Iran know your goals very well. 

thank you.

best regards.

Saeed Shojaei Saadi., Shiraz, Iran


mobile, +989177151120

my important peaceful letter to Minister of Defense and Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia

Dear Minister of Defense and Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia

As a world's peace and culture activist/ researcher, I feel so much danger for entire the Middle East,

including Saudi Arabia and Iran  after president Trump's trip to your country.

the enemies of peace and security of the Middle East states, have made

their decision to run a tribble and destructive war in order to get rid of their domestic political and

economical etc, problems, I predict, if any kind of war begin in the Middle East, this war will lead to

World War III, without any doubt at final. be sure, at the end of this war, neither you nor we, or any

other countries and governments can remain safe and secure, because, the geopolitics of region, of

course, whole of the world are going to be changed, by superpowers so, I suggest you travel Iran or

invite Mr, Zarif to Saudi Ariba to talk about all problems, I sure at the end of this meetings, the

previous brotherhood relations can be restored.however, Iran and Iranians are very peaceful and

civilized, you know Iran has about 8000 yrs constructive and human culture and

civilizations,however, if you officially invite me, I am ready to travel to Saudi Arabia to talk and

share more about my suggestions and peaceful solutions.

thank you.

best regards.

Saeed Shojaei Saadi., Shiraz, Iran
mobile, +989177151120

Monday, May 15, 2017

please pay attention this post

Hi, AS A World's Culture/ Peace Activist & Researcher, and according to my educations (Social planning, Computer, Tourism, ) and about 30 yrs experience,

i am looking for extending cultural relations between all people of the world, to enforce governments to end enmities, and select peace and friendship, please help me to reach this holy and human goal,

by introduce me and my goal to your family, friends, and all peace and culture and media activists that may you know them. best Regards, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, email,, mobile, +989177151120, Shiraz, IRAN

what you would like to know !

I am Saeed Shojaei Saadi (educations; Social Planning, Computer, Tourism, with about 35 years experiences,) from Shiraz, Iran.i was born in November 3rd, 1964. I am a researcher and cultural activist for world peace on the Internet. I disagree with war and bloodshed. by applying the pen and

internet, i have tried to promote cultural values ​​and human rights in the world during past 38 years.indeed, i became able to attract the attention of many people around the world on the Internet for extending peace and cultural norms. i am so much happy to express this reality, not only Iranian

culture has almost 8000 years background but is very peaceful. Iranians are opposed to war and destruction. They are against extremism and racism, oppression and lies, too. The Iranian people are very, as an Iranian also as a researcher and cultural activist for world peace on the

Internet, I have written thousands of articles,texts and posts on culture and peace, which all of them have been published on the Internet by now. added, in order to promote peace between nations and governments of the world, i have written many letters to world leaders to substitute the language of

culture and dialogue instead of applying the arms in order to solve their problems. anyway, for extending peace and culture values in the world i have had to stand many terrible problems during the past 38 years.therefore, I beg you to share my peaceful cultural activities and introduce me to your

friends and others. however, by search my full name "Seed Shojaei Saadi " you will get more information about me and my global cultural and peaceful activities on the Internet.
Yours sincerely
Saeed Shojaei Saadi- APRIL 10, 2017
Shiraz, Iran
Mobile; +989177151120

Sunday, May 7, 2017

about me


I am Saeed  Shojaei Saadi from Shiraz, Iran.i was born on November 3rd, 1964. world's peace
& culture researcher/activist on the Internet.educations: social planning, computer & tourism with about 30 yrs experiences.
 I love and respect all of you by my heart, as you know, I am a world's peace and cultural researcher/ activist on the Internet.

by using my 3 educational fields (social planning, computer, tourism) and about 38 yrs experiences, I have tried to extend the human values in the world.added, I have been looking to introduce the global loveful and peaceful society without war and bloodshed since 38 yrs ago by writing about thousands of posts, texts, articles, letters to officials of the domestic and international governments and organizations,

on my weblogs and social network pages or share them directly by mail also email.however, I hereby invite you, if you are interested in these fields please first, search my full name "Saeed Shojaei Saadi", on your internet browser to know more about me and my past activities, and then please join

me on my social pages or weblogs, for opening new positive and constructive to all people of the world in order to try to make a real cultural and loveful world, not only for ours but for our future generations too.i will be very happy to be friend of each other, for exchanging our views about above subjects.

 I disagree with war and bloodshed. by applying the pen and the internet, I have tried to promote cultural values and human rights in the world during past 38 years.indeed, I became able to attract the attention of many people around the world on the Internet for extending peace and cultural norms. I am so much happy to express this reality, not only Iranian culture has almost 8000 years background but is very peaceful. Iranians are opposed to war and destruction.

They are against extremism and racism, oppression and lies, too. The Iranian people are very,  as an Iranian also as a  researcher and cultural activist for world peace on the Internet, I have written thousands of articles, texts, and posts on the culture and peace subjects, which all of them have been

published on the Internet by now. added, in order to promote peace between nations and governments of the world,  I have written many letters to world leaders to substitute the language of culture and dialogue, instead of applying the arms in order to solve their problems. anyway, for extending

peace and culture values in the world I have had to stand many terrible problems during the past 38 years.therefore, I beg you to share my peaceful cultural activities and introduce me to your friends and others in order to extend peace and cultural relations across the world. however, by search my full name "Seed Shojaei Saadi " you will get more information

about me and my global cultural and peaceful activities on the Internet. added, I am not looking for sexy chat etc, so, I beg your pardon, in advance. thank you, Yours sincerely, Saeed Shojaei Saad. May 7, 2017, Shiraz, Iran

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

ریشه تاریخی توسل به ریا و تزویر و دروغ در صحنه سیاسی ایران

ریشه تاریخی توسل به ریا و تزویر و دروغ در صحنه سیاسی ایران و در بین برخی لایه ها ی ساختاری قدرت در نظام جمهوری اسلامی ایران
برای رسیدن به قدرت و ثروت و شهرت و شهوت بیشتر، برخی یاد گرفته اند تا خود را به آرمان و کنش و منشی وفادار و پیرو نشان دهند که یا اصلا به آن اعتقاد ندارند و یا اگر دارند به آن حد و درجه ای که وانمود می کنند، نیست. به اصطلاح پیاز داغ آن را صد برابر می کنند !.
بنده سعید شجاعی سعدی، بعنوان یک پژوهشگر فرهنگ، و صلح و روابط بین الملل، بعد از بررسی های فراوان، یکی از عوامل اصلی و تاریخی چنین رفتاری را در ایران کشف کردم و آن چیزی نبود مگر رفتاری که برخی از ما ایرانیان (در مقابل هجم عظیم کشتار و تجاوزهای جنسی و ظلم و شکنجه بی حد و اندازه و وحشیانه ای که لشکریان اسکندرمقدونی و اعراب و مغولان و دول روسیه و انگلیس و عثمانی و غیره )در هنگام حمله و تصرف تمام و یا بخشی از خاک ایران در طول تاریخ انجام داده اند، بوده است. بدین معنی که برای حفظ جان و مال و خانواده خود و نیز بدست آوردن موقعیت و مقام و ثروت، تن به ریا و تزویر میدادند تا دل مقامات و لشکریان بیگانه را هرچه بهتر بدست آورند.
متاسفانه، امروزه و در نظام جمهوری اسلامی ایران نیز، عده ای با توسل به ریا و تزویر و دروغ نه تنها رانتخوری، زمینخواری، و اختلاس های و قاچاق های کوچک و یا بزرگ در حد چند هزار میلیارد تومانی را رقم زده و میزنند( تا برای خود ثروت و زندگی شاهانه ! درست کنند ) بلکه عملا ریشه اعتقادات مردم به دین و اخلاق و حتی امنیت ملی و  نهایتا موجودیت جمهوری اسلامی ایران را نیز هدف قرار داده و میدهند. از همه خطرناک تر آنست که مقامات بالاتر به احتمال زیاد ، با آنکه میدانند، این افراد چه موجوداتی ! هستند اما بدلایل ساختار جناحی قدرت در جمهوری اسلامی
 عملا حتی اگر بخواهند هم کارچندانی برای رفع این اعمال جنایتکارانه و فاجعه بار از دستتشان برنمی آید. در چنین شرایطی افراد دلسوز و دست و چشم پاک و خادم و متخصص و باسواد و تجربه و بدردبخور و صاحب فکر و راه حل یا بیکار و خانه نشین گردیده و سکوت پیشه کنند و یا تن به مهاجرت داده و یا دق کنند و بمیرند و یا هر چند وقت یکبار ،(بجای افراد متظاهر و ریاکار و دروغگو) باید پاسخگوی این و یا آن نهاد امنیتی و قضایی باشند ! ، پس در چنین وضعیتی تنها باید به خدا متوسل شویم تا با قدرت خدایی خود احتمالا کاری کند، کارستان !.
سعید شجاعی سعدی
شیراز-12 اریبهشت 1396
همراه- 09177151120

یک نکته ی باریک تر از مو

یک نکته ی باریک تر از مو
بعنوان یک کارشناس کامپیوتر (همانگونه که احتمالا اطلاع دارید، بنده سعید شجاعی سعدی دارای سه مهارت تخصصی کامپیوتر-صنعت جهانگردی و  برنامه ریری اجتماعی هستم) به یک نکته ی باریکتر از مو پی بردم و آن اینست که غربیان دلسوز ! برای آنکه مسئله ازدواج و رفع نیاز جنسی حدود 13 میلیون جوان ایرانی را که به علت مشکلات اقتصادی قادر به ازدواج نیستند را مجانا در راستای کمک به مسئولان فرهنگی و اقتصادی جمهوری اسلامی ایران، حل کنند ! اقدام به یک کار خیر خواهانه بزرگ نموده اند ! و آن عبارت است از دردسترس گذاشتن زیباترین و بروز ترین ویدیو و عکس و کارتون و غیره از مسایل جنسی بشدت مورد علاقه جوانان در اینترنت با کقیت عالی.
دین غربیان دلسوز بر گردنمان است  ! اگر فکر کنیم آنها اینهمه هنر و زیبایی لذتبخش را (که دل پیر و جوان را برده و می برد!)  در اختیار همگان ، بویژه کاربران جوان کشورهای اسلامی و بخصوص کشور ما قرار داده و میدهند ، برای انحراف جوانان و زدن ریشه خانواده و اخلاق مردم و تضعیف پایه های اعتقادی در جمهوری اسلامی و ترویج زندگی اشرافی است!. همچنین مشغول ذمه آن دلسوزانید اگر فکر کنید  یکی از دلایل گسترده شدن فساد همه جانبه و از هم گسیختگی هویتی و فرهنگی و اجتماعی در جمهوری اسلامی ایران، ناشی از سیاست دلسوزانه این هنرمندان غربی است!.
آنها برای رفاه حال آندسته از کاربرانی که یا از اینترنت کم سرعت و یا از کامپیوترهای قدیمی استفاده می کنند هم راه حل داشته اند و آن اینست که با بکارگیری فن آوری گرافیکی و نرم افرار و شبکه ای روز دنیا، این ویدیو و کارتون و تصاویر لذتبخش را با بهترین کیفیت ممکن در اختیار جوانان و سایر اقشار کم درآمد قرار می دهند، آنوقت بگویید غربیان بد هستند!.
 بفرما، ببینید چطور بجای آنکه مسئولان اقتصادی و فرهنگی جمهوری اسلامی ایران مشکل ازدواج حدود 13 میلیون جوان مجرد ایرانی را حل کنند، غربیان به کمک آنها آمده و با پخش چنین متنوع و گسترده و تو دل بروی صحنه های ناب و لذتبخش جنسی ! آنهم، مفت و مجانی هم مسئله ازدواج و هم مسئله سرگرمی جوانان ما را یکجا و بی آنکه ریالی برای کشور ما، هزینه داشته باشد، حل و فصل نمایند و هم نخواستند مسئولان اقتصادی و فرهنگی ما بیشتر از این زحمت بکشند و از خستگی و تلاس زیاد خدای ناکرده خسته و بیمار و از شکل و قیافه بیافتند!. انوقت هی به غرب و غربیان فحش بدهیم، تعجب می کنم!. چرا ما گاهی باید اینقدر حق نشناس شویم. عجبا و بازهم عجبا !.

 در آینده، در اینباره احتمالا بیشتر خواهم نوشت!.
خنده تلخ من از گریه غم انگیز تر است--- کارم از گریه گذشته از آن می خندم
سعید شجاعی سعدی-شیراز
همراه- 09177151120     


An open letter to president Trump

 The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 US President، Donald Trump  friday, 7 Feb. 2025 Dear, Sir You are aware,  ...