Monday, July 3, 2023

Fate of the world in 21 century


The world of the 21st century has become very dangerous. Unfortunately, it seems that governments are not willing to work together to solve problems and disputes. The owners of large arms manufacturing factories and dealers and traders active in the arms sector are looking to create differences and wars between countries in order to sell more weapons. Years ago, I put forward a hypothesis that some governments are used by the owners of military industries and global arms dealers to start a war. Unfortunately, even the United Nations is no longer able to perform its duties as well as in the past. Hidden and open hands in the world are trying to force the governments and nations of the world to war. They burn holy books and their followers incite war. They encourage neighboring countries to fight and fight with each other. In summary, it seems that if intellectuals, pacifists and independent media do not do something, the 21st century will probably be the last century that the planet and the creatures on it will experience.

An open letter to president Trump

 The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 US President، Donald Trump  friday, 7 Feb. 2025 Dear, Sir You are aware,  ...