Thursday, June 9, 2022

An important letter to the leaders of the USA, England, France and Germany


In the name of God and in the name of the rationality, humanity, peace and friendship

Your Excellency: US President Joe Biden

Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

  Emmanuel Macron, President of France

German Chancellor Olaf Schultz

I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, an Internet-base researcher and analyst focusing on world culture and peace, believe that God Almighty has given four great gifts to human beings:

A: Rationality

 B: Humanity

C: Peace

D: Friendship

Based on these four principles:

 I ask you to prevent any resolution and refrain from any action against Iran at today meeting Board of Governors of International Atomic Energy Agency Immediately by issuing a serious instruction to your representative on (IAEA) .

 I deeply believe any action against Iran is in violation of these 4 principles and ultimately endanger world peace and security according to the following reasons:

1. Iran is really looking to revive The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JC POA)in Persian (Barjam), but it seems that China and Russia, contrary to official positions, are strongly opposed to reviving (JC POA). The two countries seek to create a military conflict between Iran and the West and its supporters in order to secure their interests at the cost of destroying other countries without paying any tuition and casualties.

 Officials of the two countries have repeatedly sabotaged the reconciliation process between Iran and Western countries.

 How  you (gentlemen) do not understand this important issue?!.

2. The issuance of the anti-Iran resolution will encourage the Iranian authorities to possibly go to the construction of a nuclear bomb and military conflict with the West and its supporters such as Israel, in order to defend Iran's security and interests, and to find more alliance with Russia and China against the West too. 

This will increase the likelihood of a major regional or global war in the interests of Russia and China. 

Do you want such a situation by violating your oath against the national interests of the people of your countries?

3- The leaders of Russia and China have shown that they are well aware of the weaknesses of the Western countries, accordingly, they are trying to use Iran as a shield against the West.

 The adoption of the anti-Iran resolution will make Moscow and Beijing very happy. 

Do you want to play against the interests and security of your own people in Russia and China playing field?!.

4- The Middle East region is exploding right now. Please do not pour gasoline of plane on the fire by the approval of the anti-Iran resolution in (IAEA) !.

5. Israeli prime ministers have told big lies about Iran from the past to the present in order to stay in power. 

They have seriously endangered not only the security of the region, but also the national security of Israel by assassinating people in Iran and making baseless allegations of building nuclear bomb about Iran.

 Please do not believe their lies and ask Israel to stop further assassinations in Iran. I predict that the patience of the Iranian authorities will finally come to an end soon, and  they will inflict devastating counter-attacks on Israel. This, in turn, will seriously jeopardize the national security of all countries in the world, which is caused by Israel.

6- Iran has shown that if its national interests and security are endangered. No country will not have the national interests and security more, so please do not try to impose the conditions before the (JC POA) agreement on Iran again by adaption any new resolution in UN Security Council.


Gentlemen: The history of about seven thousand years of Iran shows that this country seeks peace and security not only for itself but for all nations of the world. 

Contrary to historical facts, the Western media seeks to portray a destructive and evil face of a civilizing Iran. 

Look at your own countries and see how the large population of Iranian immigrants manages your political, scientific, industrial, financial centers etc, with high quality. 

They are a small part of the civilized population of Iran.

 Now how can you fight against such a country in the interests of Russia and China?!.

Based on the above explanations,

 I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, expect you to instruct your representatives in the Board of Governors of the International Energy Agency to prevent the issuance of any anti-Iran resolution and to immediately pursue the negotiations for the revival of (JCPOA).

Please do not forget that if Russia and China have been able to gain the trust of Iranian officials to some extent, you can certainly do so by taking constructive positions. In this case, the interests and security of all, including the security of Western allies in the Middle East, Will be provided. 

At the end of this letter, I wish peace and security, progress and friendship to the people of my country and all the people of the world.


Saeed Shojaei Saadi. Iran. Shiraz



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