Sunday, February 27, 2022

Russia's military invasion of Ukraine and its consequences for Iran and the world


An examination of the situation before Russia's military invasion of Ukraine reveals that Russian President Putin, willingly or unwillingly, has entered a double-edged sword that will challenge himself and Russia, even if he succeeds in dismembering, occupying and annexing Ukraine to his country. Face serious and destructive political, security and economic inside and outside the country.

A: The consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine for the world

The world order was in crisis even before the Russian invasion, and now with the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, possibly with the intention of overthrowing the pro-Western government of Ukrainian President Zelensky and its complete disintegration or annexation to Russia, unfortunately the world situation is similar. It has become a wild forest, and for this reason I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, as an analyst and researcher of world culture and peace on the Internet, call the current political, security and economic conditions of the world after the Russian invasion of Ukraine a "pomegranate of war."

I have no doubt that the world will not rest easy from now on, and that different parts of the world, which were in the heat of a possible war before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, are now at the height of provocation and preparation for war and military conflict. Examples are the Korean crisis and the claim of Chinese ownership of Taiwan, as well as disputes between China and countries such as Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and even disputes between Turkey and Greece and the overt and covert war between Israel and the Palestinians, as well as the current situation in Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Libya could easily lead to a full-scale war.

I believe that if Mr. Putin declares a ceasefire now and withdraws all his forces from Ukraine, the situation will never return to before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, because the current situation and world order in these few days is severely tense. And the wounds on his body will not allow him to return to his previous condition.

       B: The consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine for Iran and the Islamic Republic

It is quite clear that the ideology in the Islamic Republic of Iran is as much interested and trusted in China and especially in Russia under Vladimir Putin as it is in hating and distrusting the West.

 Historical analysis shows that Russia has imposed two shameful treaties on the partition of Iran by force of arms and by humiliating the nation and governments of the Qajar period.

Also, in World War I and World War II, together with Western allies such as the United States and Britain, they were able to occupy Iran and whatever they wanted under the pretext of their enemies infiltrating Iran (after launching brutal killings and imposing poverty and disease in the country). And their interests demanded that the poor and oppressed people and people of Iran be brought to justice.

History reports the massacre of about 6 to 10 million Iranians who were either directly martyred by the weapons of the Western and Eastern states or committed brutal crimes against the Iranian people by various diseases such as cholera and others.

If trust is not restrained in the West, it is definitely not in the best interest of the security, territorial integrity and independence of Iran and the Islamic Republic, especially China and Russia, for various reasons, including historical ones.

Russia and China have repeatedly voted in favor of the UN resolutions against the Islamic Republic and the Iranian people.

It is clear that not for historical, religious, cultural, political or racial reasons, there is no reason for Russia and China to want to support Iran and the Islamic Republic, but only because China and Russia seem to be in the Islamic Republic right now. They want Iran to be able to use it as a tool to deal with the West and to use it as a cannon fodder and a defensive embankment for possible security and national interests in possible future military conflicts.

A: What should we do to not fall victim to the political and military games of the West and the East?

The best possible way is only to consider the national interests and security of Iran and the Islamic Republic, and not to take steps in the direction that inadvertently tramples on the interests and national security of Iran and helps the interests of Western and Eastern countries.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action must be revived immediately and without regard to the interests of the West and the East, and our all-out military power must be rapidly and vigorously updated.

It is absolutely desirable and necessary for our international relations to be transparent, comprehensive and intelligent in the new period after the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, and to prove to the domestic and world public opinion that I observe moderation in relation to the East and  West.

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 The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 US President، Donald Trump  friday, 7 Feb. 2025 Dear, Sir You are aware,  ...