Tuesday, July 20, 2021

   Do the West, especially the Per. Biden's government, understand the golden opportunity in Iran ?!

By studying the behavior of Western politicians, especially since World War II, we find that they have generally fallen behind most of their Eastern counterparts in their understanding of world events.
This has led Russia, and especially China,  etc., to surpass the West in many ways.
One of the most important examples of this is the very ill-considered and wrong behavior of the West, and especially the United States, towards Iran from 1978 until today.
While the West has tried for the past 40 years to impose maximum sanctions, insults, and humiliation on the Islamic Republic of Iran, the governments of Russia and China have approached Iran with a cautious and prudent policy, and facing the regional and global policies of the West with a serious challenge.
In fact, Western politicians have shown a behavior toward Iran that is forcing global researchers and analysts, including me, to have serious doubts about the physical and mental health of some of them.
As an Internet-oriented analyst and researcher on world culture and peace, I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, advise Western leaders, especially President Biden, to immediately abandon the behavior and policies of Iran 40 years ago.
Especially since August 3, 2021, Mr. Ra'isi's government will take office in Iran.
This government is approved and supported by all domestic institutions, including the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The key to resolving the West's problems in the Middle East is, the West must recognize Iran's regional influence and interests, lifting all anti-Iranian sanctions, and not to incite pro-Western countries in the region against the Islamic Republic.
Only then will Iran see no reason to challenge Western policies, in which case pro-Western countries in the region can see real security.
Now the fundamental question is whether Western leaders, especially President Biden, can abandon the foolish and childish policies of previous leaders on Iran and approach the Islamic Republic of Iran like Russia and China, or continue the previous wrong policies and can not understand the golden opportunities in Iran, so They will burn all thing. The coming days and months will illuminate everything. 

An open letter to president Trump

 The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 US President، Donald Trump  friday, 7 Feb. 2025 Dear, Sir You are aware,  ...