Saturday, February 8, 2020

Important Analysis: Predict big fraud in America's 2020 election!

As an Internet-based activist for world peace and culture, I Saeed Shojaei Saadi, predicted two years ago that President Trump would be impeached. My prediction came true and Trump was impeached, but he was able to remain president of the United States because of Republican support in the Senate. Now, I predict that President Trump and the Republicans are likely to commit a major fraud in 2020 US elections. The reason is simple and clear because Trump and Republicans know they will be tried and jailed if they fail in the elections because of repeated violations of US law and endanger US security and interests in the world.

 President Trump's extremist advisers cheated him

Trump is heavily influenced by his hard-line advisers in the White House and the Republican Party. Their erroneous and dangerous consultations not only endangered Trump's position in the United States but also posed a great challenge to American security and US interests in the world. In addition, polls by major US media and the world shows that president Trump is known to be one of the most infamous presidents in American history. As an Internet-based activist of world peace and culture, I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi Since Trump's inauguration in 2016-2017, have repeatedly warned in open letters to him and his family members and other US officials that Trump's radical and fanatical policies not only endanger his position but also American interests and security.

I also asked President Trump in my open letters to nominate me as a free of charge consultant, but unfortunately, he did not accept it, because of his arrogance and ugly pride. I believe that if he had accepted, President Trump could have become one of the most accomplished and famous presidents in American history. by his cruel policies on the great and civilized Iranian people, Trump has even ruthlessly sanctioned drugs for certain patients that caused the death of many children in Iran.

However, if Trump wants to win the 2020 election and not go to jail, he must immediately change his policies and advisers, especially on Iran. Like President Putin of Russia, President Trump could establish the best possible relationship with Iran. This would improve America's image in the world, especially in the Middle East, but he chose the worst way. The result of this dangerous and childish policy is the disgrace of Trump and America in the world and the Middle East. The world saw that after the assassination of Lieutenant General Qassim Suleimani, who was the hero of the fight against ISIS and terrorism, Iran showed the president Trump and his administration's political and military weakness to the world by its military reaction and destruction of the modern US base in Iraq. even though President Trump and his hard-line advisers tried to minimize the damage and casualties to US bases and troops in Iraq, but according to the US, Iraqi and other world's media, the US casualties and damage at Ein Base Al-Assad "was high, this issue showed another big lie of president Trump and his extremist administration.

 in final, my suggestion to be one of his advisers is still available, if he wants me to be his foreign policy adviser on world peace and culture. There is enough time for President Trump and his administration to return, but the key question is, "Does Trump want to rid himself of the extremist and hard-line advisers who have put his position and America at serious risk?!.

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and many other that by searching my full name are reachable

An open letter to president Trump

 The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 US President، Donald Trump  friday, 7 Feb. 2025 Dear, Sir You are aware,  ...