Tuesday, June 25, 2019

be awake! The hardliners, warlords and ruthless advisers around the President of the United States have laid out dangerous traps on Iran

Mr John Bolton, Mike Pompeo and Jarad Kushner, in full coordination with the heads of the three countries of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, have devoured the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Unfortunately, they ultimately fail to pay attention to the results of their work to provoke the Iranian political, military and security authorities to bring them into an unconstrained unplanned war with the United States and its allies.

As a global peace activist and researcher on the Internet, I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, believe that imposing severe and brutal sanctions against the Iranian people and exposing Iran to the attack on oil tankers and toppling the American aggressive drone in the Iranian territorial waters, have precisely been for provoking Iran to start a war with the USA and it's allies.in my opinion,

If President Trump's government really wanted to negotiate with Iran, they should not impose sanctions on the leader and commander of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran,  military commanders and supreme officials.

 It seems that current officials at the White House do not care about the national  security and national interests of the United States and its European allies. What they do is to undermine America and Europe.

I wonder how they do not know that war with Iran is only in favor of Russia and China. They have even shamelessly declared they will use any weapon to destroy Iran. Does this not mean the Third World War and the destruction of our beautiful planet?

Are they sure that China and North Korea will not attack Taiwan and South Korea to occupy them during the war with Iran?!.
Are they sure that Russia will not attack Eastern European countries and will not re-occupy them?!.

Are they sure that the people of the Arab states will not revolt against their governments and will not overthrow them?!.

Are they sure that the USA and it's allies have enough power to destory Iran and to be safe?!.
I sure that, the use of the nuclear bomb is also useless.so, Mr. John Bolton, Mike PompeoT Jarad Kushner, and the three heads of state of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, should know that only the United States has no nuclear bombs, and if they do  the nuclear attack on other countries, they must be aware that immediately US and it's allies will be attacked by nuclear weapons.

 I am sure that neither the people nor the army, nor the security agencies, nor media nor wise American politicians will allow insane action to the lovers of bloodshed and the world's war at the current White House.

please keep in mind, Iran is a peaceful civilized country with eight thousand years of magnificent history and culture. Speak and behave with respect and respect to Iran and Iranians please.you will then get a very brilliant result. do this nice work and experience it's amazingly result.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Why do President Trump advisers not want to hear and understand the logical words ?!

NOTICE; I have written this important post in Persian to show my support to my homeland and people. long live peace! long live friendship!.

 بعنوان  یک فعال اینترنت محور صلح و فرهنگ جهانی بنده صدهها بار طی نامه سرگشاده و یا پست های تحلیلی 

منتشر شده در اینترنت بدو زبان فارسی و انگلیسی به مقامات کنونی در کاخ سفید هشدار دادم که ایران در 

دفاع از استقلال و تمامیت ارضی خود بسیار جدی است ،اما متاسفانه مشاوران جنگ طلب در اطراف پرزیدنت 

ترامپ در ذهن بیمار خود فقط بدنبال تحقیر ایران و جنگ هستند و آنچه را می خواهند بشنوند که دوست دارند 

و هر آنچه که با افکار جنگ طلبانه و ذهن بیمار آنها مغایرت داشته باشد را نه می فهمند و نه می خواهند 

بفهمند. متاسفانه از سوی دیگر اروپاییها نیز در مقابل رفتار جنگ طلبان کاخ سفید بسیار ذلیل گونه رفتار می 

کنند و گویی جرات اظهار نظر مخالف با آنها را ندارند که اگر داشتند، اکنون با مسئله ورود پهباد جاسوسی 

آمریکا به خاک ایران و سرنگونی آن توسط سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی ایران باید اروپایی ها را وادار کند تا 

فورا بین طرفین میانجیگری نمایند و جلوی یک جنگ احتمالی و بزرگی که نهایتا برنده آن فقط روسیه و چین 

خواهند بود را بگیرند. شک نکنید که جانبداری انگلیس از آمریکا نه تنها کمکی به صلح در منطقه نمی کند بلکه 

مانند ریختن بنزین بر آتش است. بنده همچنین پیشنهاد می کنم که سازمان ملل فورا تجاوز پهباد امریکا به ایران 

را محکوم نماید و میانجیگری خود را شروع کند . همه بدانند ایران و ایرانی تسلیم زورگویی نمی شوند، هیچ 

ایرانی وطن دوست و شرافتمندی را نمی توان یافت که اجازه دهد بیگانگان به کشورش تجاوز نماید و او یا تایید 

کند و یا با دشمن همکاری و یا همراهی نماید. اگر خدای ناکرده ایرانی پیدا شود که با دشمن وطن و مردم خود 

همراهی و همکاری نماید و مردم و هویت و تاریخ ملت خود را را لگد مال نموده و در کنار متجاوزان به جان و 

ناموس مردم خود حمله ور گردد بطور طبیعی او دیگر ایرانی نیست بلکه دشمنی است که بزبان فارسی نیز 

سخن می گوید. بهر حال دنیا بداند ایران برای دفاع از کشور خود بسیار قدرتمند و مصمم است و سر سوزنی 

بخود در مقابله با دشمنانی که قصد نابودی کشور و هویت و استقلال و تمامیت ارضی اشان را کرده است 

تردید و ترس راه نمی دهند . آرزومی کنم این حقیقت غیر قابل انکار را مشاوران پرزیدنت ترامپ نیز درک نمایند 

و رفتار خود را در باره ایران تغییر دهند و گرنه آنها یک جنگ بزرگ در منطقه و حتی جهان را سبب خواهند شد. 

امید که چنین نشود. دعوت رسمی کنند آماده میانجیگری و توضیح مطالب گفته شده هستم.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Warning: These three fanatics and warlords want to run a world war!

Jarad Kushner, advisor and son in law of president Trump, Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo and former CIA director, and John Bolton, former US ambassador to the United Nations and national security adviser at the White House, are three people that are fans of war with Iran more than others around president Trump.

these three persons, are in constant contact with the current prime minister of Israel and the leaders and officials of our two neighboring countries, the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

They do shoot to oil tankers and  point their fingers shamelessness to Iranians.added, they use any pretext to show Iran an international anti-security country. While they have imposed the most severe inhumane sanctions against the Iranian people, they are ruthlessly condemning anti-human rights activities in Iran!.

I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, as a researcher and Internet-based activist of world culture and peace express this statement:
 These three people and their regional allies, who are in charge of global warlord headquarters ( Zionist and non-Zionist), have been seriously mistaken for their strategic calculation of Iran's defense capability.

They think that by attacking Iran, the regime will overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran in a few weeks and break up Iran and overthrow it.
 I friendly warn them:
It's a childish and silly dream and a raw fantasy. If they are stupid and attack Iran, their casualties will be as much as World War I and II. Do not doubt that their attack on Iran will lead to World War III finally.
 I friendly warn them:
Iran is neither Iraq nor Afghanistan, nor Libya, nor Yemen, which can ruin them in several attacks and in a few weeks. Iran is Iran and the Iranians will defend their country until die. This is a warning from a world-class scholar of culture and peace, which I hope will be taken seriously by all warlords in the West and in the region.
I promise as an Iranian If you cancel sanctions against the people of Iran. Most problems will be solved and you can consider yourself as the winner of the next year's presidential elections in USA. please keep in your mind that the Iranian promise is always promising and it is a document and we will not put aside our promise, signature like you that simply break all your signed contracts.
Saeed Shojaei Saadi, Shiraz, Iran.
Email: shogaiee@gmail.com

An open letter to president Trump

 The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 US President، Donald Trump  friday, 7 Feb. 2025 Dear, Sir You are aware,  ...