Wednesday, August 31, 2016

my 5 latest important video

please check out my 5 important short video on this link:

عجب دنیایی است!

هرچنددر سال 71-1372بنده سعید شجاعی سعدی معادل کارشناسی ارشد خود را در رشته جهانگردی از مرکز عالی وزارت ارشاد گرفته بودم، اما امسال تصمیم گرفتم تا در کنکور ارشد1395 شرکت کنم و با معادل سازی برخی واحدهای ارشد معادل با گذراندن سایر واحدهای درسی ارشد جدید خود را دریافت کنم و خوشبختانه  بدون در اختیار داشتن هرگونه منابع و بی آنکه حتی یک دقیقه برای کنکور مطالعه کرده باشم و فقط و فقط با تکیه بر اطلاعات و دانش شخصی خود توانستم در رشته مهم  روابط بین الملل دانشگاه شیراز در سال 1395 جاری قبول شوم، اما چه فایده!زیرا بدلیل تحمیل شرایط و محدویت های  ظالمانه و ناجوان مردانه، تنگ نظران کم سواد و رانتخواران و ریاکاران غرق شهرت و شهوت و قدرت وثروت طلب در شهر شیراز ، عملا امکان تحصیل را در دانشگاه شیراز ندارم و باید انصراف دهم.چه جالب اما شرم آور است که سنگها را بسته اند و سگهارا رها کرده اند!.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

my latest important tweets on my twitter page

  1. did you watch my 2 following video about my past 15 yrs activities in English & Persian?
  2. I was asked to say some things about my educations: now my answer : a-social planning b-computer c-tourism industry
  3. i believe by my heart, the human rights is a part of the God rules on the land, if any body opossite it,in fact, they are against the God
  4. i was born in Shiraz, Iran, in Nov. 1964
  5. i am married and i have 5 very nice step children
  6. i am deeply against racism, extremism and terrorism. i believe these 3 items are doors of the Hell
  7. i have been very active in internet to make peace between I.R IRAN & USA to prevent the 3rd WW since 15 yrs ago .
  8. i am an Iranian internet- base global peace & culture activist and researcher
  9. making peace between I.R. IRAN and USA also their allies to prevent an unwanted war is my life goal, this war can begin 3rd WW.
  10. my writing pen name is ; Said Shogaiee Saadi. my true full name's spell is ; Saeed Shojaei Saadi
  11. i express my heartily thanks to all you for checking out my cultural and peaceful posts.
  12. Iran & Iranians are deeply against terrorism and extremism. we are in love of peace and friendship in the world.
  13. in my opinion, war and enmity are the most dritiest words in all languages of the world
  14. about 92% of Iran's people can read and write in Persian, and 70% of them know 2 or more languages.
  15. Iran is located in high strategic region, it is said : Iran is the bridge of victory !
  16. Iran is very rich in mineral and oil also gas etc.
  17. about 60% people of Iran have higher eduction
  18. about 65% of Iran's women have higher educations
  19. it's said between 5 to 11 millions of Iran's people are living in high level positions in all over the world now
  20. Iran and Iranians are against racism, extremism and terrorism.
  21. this is my first and important English language video, please tell your friends etc.

An open letter to president Trump

 The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 US President، Donald Trump  friday, 7 Feb. 2025 Dear, Sir You are aware,  ...