Sunday, August 11, 2024

An important open letter to kamla Harris


Honorable vice president and candidate for the presidency of the United States, Mrs. Kamla Harris
The risk of a major devastating war in the near future has become very likely in the middle east. The Iranian nation is peaceful and has about eight thousand years of history, culture and constructive civilization in the world. The first charter of human rights, the first brain surgery and artificial eye implantation, as well as the first government in today's sense, were presented to the world by Iranians a few thousand years ago.
As you know, now about ten million Iranian experts and capitalists are productively active in the fields of economy, industry, medicine, etc. in Western countries.

Dear vice president,

I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi from Iran, as a researcher, analyst and Internet-based activist of culture and international relations with three decades of experience, am very happy to inform you;
Due to the activities of violent extremists in Israel, USA and the Middle East, not only the Persian Gulf, but the world has faced the danger of war, killing and anarchy.
It seems that the current Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu and your election rival, Mr. Trump and their supporters in the United States, Chinese and Russian authorities in recent months are desperately seeking to provoke the Islamic Republic of Iran to start a major regional or global war. The attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria and the assassination of Haniyeh in Tehran are just two examples of their operations to force Iran into war.
My analysis is that you will be the next president of the United States, provided that something unforeseen does not happen. While Fortunately, in Iran, the government of Dr. Pezeshkian will officially start its duties in a few days. This is the best opportunity to completely remove the immoral sanctions against the Iranian people and  getting the trust of the Iranian leaders.
Iran is a regional superpower and has major influences on running events and developments in the Middle East even though in some cases the developments in the world.

I believe that if you deal honestly with the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran, you will receive a positive and constructive response. It is time to abandon the wrong  past policies and start a new chapter in the relations between Iran and the West.
It is quite obvious that the leaders of China and Russia are seeking to create more enmity between Iran and the West in order to create a big war in the Middle East.
Their interests are very important with the closeness of Iran and the West, so they are trying day and night so that the differences between Iran and the West are not only not resolved, but also deepen and lead to war.
In the coming days and weeks, the Islamic Republic of Iran may attack Israeli targets in retaliation for the terrorist attack in Tehran.
I ask you and President Biden not to give in to the pressure of pro-Trump and pro-Netanyahu extremists.
Stop Netanyahu's reaction to this possible attack. Not only did Netanyahu violate Iran's national sovereignty by assassinating Haniyeh in Tehran, but he also violated international laws.
In the end, I would like to inform you that I see the future as bright and productive. The government of  Pezeshkian and your government after winning the American elections can bring progress, peace and security to the region based on justice and mutual respect with the participation of Europe and other countries of the world, especially the countries of the Persian Gulf.
The condition for doing this is to control Netanyahu and his violent actions in Gaza and the Middle East.
Continued economic sanctions spread mistrust and hatred and turn constructive opportunities into violence, bloodshed and war.
Arms manufacturing companies and trusts may achieve temporary financial gains by starting a war, but if the scope of the war expands, there is no doubt that they will  also become victims of their inhumane policies.
The best solution to all Middle East issues is real and constructive dialogue and interaction with Iran. Try this way, if there are no positive results, stop it. I wish you success and victory in the American elections.
with respect Saeed Shojaei Saadi,
Shiraz, August 10, 2024

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Remove Netanyahu from power

.According to the foreign and domestic media reports, in order to comply with ethics and prevent a major regional and World war, Iran has done a very limited and pre-announced response and launched an air attack using drones and missiles built 10 to 20 years ago. These operations have done for punishing the aggressor, ( Israel or as Islamic republic of Iran called the Zionist regime).

Now Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is trying to escape from trial and not go to prison for corruption and because of the failure to conquer the very small area of Gaza after seven months of round-the-clock attacks, he is trying to provide the interests of Russia and China not Israel by preparing to do attack on Iran when

The Iran's political and military authorities warned that if any attack by Israel is carried out against Iran, they will immediately respond to Israel with the latest and very advanced missiles, drones and other modern weapons.

As an Internet-based analyst and researcher of international relations, I advise the people, the Knesset, and the Israeli army to immediately remove Netanyahu from power by any possible methods. He is the enemy of the peace and security of the region and the world, including the enemy of the Israeli people. He is also ready to kill all the people of Israel  in order to stay in power and serve Russia and China's interests.

Iranian media have repeatedly quoted the country's political and military officials as saying that Iran will even respond to unconventional attacks in the same way right away. Observers and political analysts are asking this basic question : 

Are the Knesset, the army and the people of Israel ready to sacrifice themselves for Netanyahu, will they prevent the destruction of Israel and the occurrence of a major regional or global war by removing him from power?.


Monday, April 15, 2024

Will Russia, China and Israel succeed in creating a big war between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the West and NATO!

 Will Russia, China and Israel succeed in creating a big war between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the West and NATO!


Putin and the Chinese president, in coordination with Netanyahu, only want one thing from the current crisis. The "war" is also a big conventional war and if they are able to, unconventional war in which the Islamic Republic of Iran will go to war with the whole of the West in support of Israel and hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people will be killed on both sides and they will be able to overcome the political pressure. military and economic of the West and trade with the West for the independence and territorial integrity of Iran and the lives and wealth of our nation.

All the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the imposition of severe sanctions against Iran have been approved by the positive or abstention votes of these two countries.

Perhaps America, unlike in the past, has now realized the great desire of Russia and China to create a war in the Middle East, which is trying hard to prevent the realization of the desire of these two countries to create a big war in the Middle East.

I have deep faith in the intelligence, experience, and management of the Commander-in-Chief, the military commanders of the army and the IRGC, and the security and law enforcement agencies, that they will not enter the playground of the Prime Minister of Israel and the presidents of China and Russia.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

An open letter to joe Biden

 An  letter to US President Joe Biden


I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, as a researcher and analyst of international relations based on the Internet, request your Excellency to prevent the response of the Israeli government to the Islamic Republic of Iran, because any renewed attack by Israel on Iran can result in a very heavy response from Iran. In this case, the security and peace of the whole world faces a serious threat.

Mr President:

It is time to revive the JCPOA and cancel and lift all sanctions against Iran.

The West's inhumane and illogical behavior towards Iran and the establishment of heavy and intensive economic sanctions against Iran's people have made the Islamic Republic of Iran consider the West as its enemy.

In the meantime, the two governments of Russia and China took full advantage of the great mistake of the West and moved closer to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

These two governments are trying hard to help Netanyahu for starting a big regional war between the West and Iran.

Now, it is the time to correct your wrong policies regarding Iran.

For this, it is necessary to force Netanyahu to refrain from a military attack on Iran and prevent a global or regional war.

In the next step, establish nuclear and non-nuclear negotiations with Iran in a win-win manner as soon as possible.

Iran is a country with ten thousand years of history.

Iran created the first government in its true sense by Cyrus the Great and Iran wrote and implemented the first human rights charter. Iran is a peaceful country with a beautiful and humane culture.

Therefore, you should not ignore the history, culture, and great civilization of Iranians and misbehave with such a great government and nation.

Mr. President:

Whether the West wants it or not, today Iran has become a regional superpower. Now is the time to change the policies of the West against the Islamic Republic of Iran. The sooner you make this change, Iran, the West and the world will benefit from it.

Please don't let Israel, Russia and China miscalculate the West against Iran.

Make friendly relationship with the Islamic Republic of Iran and respect its position in the region and the world, so  that the Middle East and the world can see peace and security.

Thanks: Saeed Shojaei Saadi

Shiraz, Iran

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Iran, USA and Israel Deal or war!


 Which is excellent,

 A retaliatory attack on Israel,

 Or a deal with the West!

Maybe both of them!.

All Israeli governments (the Zionist regime), especially the current government led by Bi Bi (Netanyahu), have violated various recognized international laws and pact. The latest case is the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria.

In this attack, several Iranian military commanders and advisers were killed (martyred) in Syria.

First of all, in my opinion., it is the responsibility of the Syrian government to defend its sovereignty and give a military response to Israel, but since there is no strong and centralized government in Syria, Iran officially announced that it will give a regrettable response to Israel soon.

From the beginning of the Israel attack until this moment, the media, people and authorities of the countries of the world are waiting every moment for Iran's military and retaliatory attacks.

Many countries in the Middle East are trying to prevent Iran's military attack on Israel due to the fear of a major regional or global war. Meanwhile, the two countries China and Russia strongly support Iran's attack on Israel because it is the best opportunity for them to play Iran's card in their political gambling with the West. In fact, the interests and security of these two countries are in starting a big war in the Middle East and the world with the participation of Iran. The authorities of both countries are indirectly pouring gasoline on the fire. Added, Bi Bi are now acting against the interests and security of Israel, because Mr. Netanyahu is very interested in finding a way to stay in power and not be prosecuted for corruption, management and a possible defeat in the Gaza war etc, while he can to make persuade Iran carry out a big retaliatory attack on Israel and drag the West into the war by telling anti-Iran words.

so, I think Iran should delay the retaliatory military attack on Israel for a few weeks or months and negotiate directly with the West, including the United States. Iran's demands can include the lifting of all or most of the Western sanctions against Iran, the establishment of a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the condemnation of Israel's aggression in the United  Nations Security Council and the Hague Court, and the payment of compensation by Israel to Iran and obtaining a commitment from Israel to end the Terrorism against Iranian nationals and so on.

It will never be too late for a retaliatory military attack on Israel. Israel has officially attacked the Iranian embassy by violating international laws, and this is a crime and a violation of international pact and laws. This attack is condemned by the world. Revenge is Iran's right, but we should not see our interests and security only in a military attack. The government of Russia, China and BiBi are counting the minutes for the start of a military attack on Israel by Iran. Why is the Taliban insistently demanding Iran's military attack on Israel?!. It seems that they are waiting for Iran's situation to collapse after Iran's military attack on Israel and the strong military response of Israel and the West to Iran where they send its suicide bombers to Iran along with other terrorist groups. It seems that some Arab countries will strongly support the attack of the West against Iran in order to overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran after the retaliatory attack of Iran against Israel. Therefore, tact and foresight can guarantee the security, interests and territorial integrity of Iran, not a military attack that may change the situation in the region and the world against Iran.

Saeed shojaei Saadi 

Shiraz, Iran 

Mobile: +989177151120

Sunday, March 31, 2024

An important open letter


Honorable Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency

Dear Mr. Dr. Raphael Grossi

On Friday, March 29, You told the PBS TV channel that we possibly declare Iran's nuclear program non-peaceful soon, and this means giving permission to the West for a possible military attack on Iran.

Most likely, it seems you made these statements at the request of Mr. Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel.

This unconventional behavior, which is against international peace and security, is for the benefit of Russia and China, who looking for starting a big war between Iran and the West.

Some influential extremists in Iran and the West especially in USA, just like you, Russia, and China, are desperately seeking to create a war between Iran and the West in order to destroy world peace and security and rule the world as the law of the jungle.

I, Saeed Shojaei Saadi, as a well-known international culture analyst and activist on the Internet with three decades of activity, request you to correct your warlike and illogical statements about Iran or resign immediately.

Otherwise, I expect the Board of Governors to fire you to help peace and security of the world. Finally, if you would like, I invite you to a Media debate. I'm sorry to say,  your behavior is similar to someone who wants to rule anarchism in international relations, and this is a great shame for international organizations and the United Nations. I hope you will immediately change your behavior against world peace and security.


Saeed Shojaei Saadi

Iran, Shiraz

Mobile: +989177151120

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Notice, world peace is in danger

 Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has finally shamelessly threatened Iran with a nuclear attack from the official podium of the United Nations General Assembly. 

Although later his office called the matter a typographical error (quote in context), not even a child believed these justifications,  also not the public opinion of the people of Iran and the world.

Netanyahu expressed his threatening words in full knowledge and with this nuclear threat, he officially approved Israel's possession of nuclear weapons from the United Nations  and revealed his decision to use them and launch mass murder.

Officials c. Iran should not simply ignore these statements.

Political and legal lawsuits should be filed against him in international organizations, the Security Council, the United Nations General Assembly, and the Hague Court.

And he should officially pledge never to use nuclear weapons against Iran or other countries of the world.

Iran's National Security Council should immediately hold a meeting and prepare and implement the necessary preparations and forecasts to deal with Israel's chemical and nuclear attacks under the presidency of Netanyahu, etc.

The threat of the ruthless and corrupt Prime Minister of Israel should be taken seriously, because he has not and will not show mercy to the people of Israel, let alone the other nations of the world.

  Therefore, any simplistic thinking and shortcoming in front of these ugly statements means Peru and making him more arrogant to implement his secret intention and wish for a nuclear or chemical attack on Iran and other countries of the world.

Officials of the United Nations and other countries of the world should not ignore these statements and officially condemn them.

Netanyahu now threatens Iran with nuclear weapons, tomorrow he will surely threaten other nations.

The world cannot tolerate a nuclear war because the earth and the life on it will definitely face serious danger and destruction in such a war.

An important open letter to kamla Harris

  Honorable vice president and candidate for the presidency of the United States, Mrs. Kamla Harris Hello The risk of a major devastating...